Eetta Prince-Gibson

Eetta Prince-Gibson is the Israel editor for Moment magazine, the former editor in chief of the Jerusalem Report, and a regular contributor to Haaretz, +61J, and other international publications.

Articles by Eetta Prince-Gibson
A protester wearing glasses and holding a sign screams into the camera. Behind is a crowd of more protesters holding signs and waving Israeli flags.
A protester wearing glasses and holding a sign screams into the camera. Behind is a crowd of more protesters holding signs and waving Israeli flags.
Israeli soldiers on the Israeli-Jordanian border
Israeli soldiers on the Israeli-Jordanian border
An election banner with a portrait of Arab Israeli candidate Waleed Taha
An election banner with a portrait of Arab Israeli candidate Waleed Taha
An election official sits in an empty polling station during local elections on October 30, 2018, in the Shuafat neighborhood of East Jerusalem.
An election official sits in an empty polling station during local elections on October 30, 2018, in the Shuafat neighborhood of East Jerusalem.