Resource Pricing

A landscape painting with hot air balloons flying over a mountain range.

How it works services are billed per organization. Every organization is on a plan. If you want to scale beyond your plan, then you can upgrade, or just pay for what you need at the usage-based pricing listed below.

Organizations are administrative entities on that let you add members, share app development environments, and manage billing separately. Billing is based on the resources provisioned for your apps, pro-rated for the time they are provisioned.


Check out our plans and plan pricing.

Every organization belongs to a plan. When you create a new organization, it starts on the Pay As You Go plan. If you need more support or compliance options, then you can upgrade to a Launch, Scale, or Enterprise plan.

Some usage is included with our Hobby, Launch, Scale, and Enterprise plans. You can upgrade your plan at any time, or just pay for extra usage at the usage-based prices listed below.

Regardless of which plan you’re on, your organization may be subject to automated scaling limits to prevent abuse or to help with capacity planning. Email the address in the error message if you run into such a limit and it’s getting in your way.

All plans require a credit card on file. For details, or to select a different plan, see Plan Pricing.

New sign-ups

When you sign up for a account, we create a default (“personal”) organization for you on the Pay As You Go plan.

If you signed up before the release of the Pay As You Go plan, you got a one-time $5 free trial credit to let you test-drive at no cost. When the free trial credit is used up, that organization is automatically placed on the $5/month Hobby plan (we’ll send you an email when it happens).

You won’t be charged for the $5/month Hobby plan subscription until the credit has been used up. The free trial credit doesn’t expire. and applies to your default (“personal”) organization that we created for you on sign-up.

Legacy Hobby plan

If you were on the free Hobby plan at the time that the paid Hobby plan became the default for new organizations, your plan is now called the Legacy Hobby plan. Your costs stay the same as they were, with no monthly subscription fee, and no included usage beyond the free resource allowances that apply to all plans.

If you upgrade to a different plan and downgrade back to Hobby, you’ll be on the current (paid) Hobby plan.

Free allowances

Resources included for free on the Hobby, Launch and Scale plans:

  • Up to 3 shared-cpu-1x 256mb VMs
  • 3GB persistent volume storage (total)
  • Outbound data transfer:
    • 100 GB North America & Europe
    • 30 GB Asia Pacific, Oceania & South America
    • 30 GB Africa & India

Additional resources are billed at the usage-based pricing detailed below.

There are no free allowances during the free trial or on the Pay As You Go plan.


We charge for started and stopped Machines differently. Attached GPUs are charged separately. For more details about how costs are calculated, see Machine billing.

Started Fly Machines

Machines pricing is changing!

On July 1st, we’re beginning a phased roll-out of per-region pricing. For the first month, prices will remain the same, but the lines on your invoice will be broken down by region. Each subsequent month, prices will be increase by 25% of the difference between the price in iad and the price listed for the region, until the listed price is reached in November.

The price of a running Fly Machine VM is the price of a named CPU/RAM preset, plus about $5 per 30 days per GB of additional RAM.

Here’s the pricing for named presets and a few standard additional RAM configurations:

CPU(s) RAM Price/second Price/hour Price/month
shared-cpu-1x 1 shared 256MB $0.0000008 $0.0027 $1.94
512MB $0.0000012 $0.0044 $3.19
1GB $0.0000022 $0.0079 $5.70
2GB $0.0000041 $0.0149 $10.70
shared-cpu-2x 2 shared 512MB $0.0000015 $0.0054 $3.89
1GB $0.0000025 $0.0089 $6.39
2GB $0.0000044 $0.0158 $11.39
4GB $0.0000083 $0.0297 $21.40
shared-cpu-4x 4 shared 1GB $0.0000030 $0.0108 $7.78
2GB $0.0000049 $0.0177 $12.78
4GB $0.0000088 $0.0316 $22.78
8GB $0.0000165 $0.0594 $42.79
shared-cpu-8x 8 shared 2GB $0.0000060 $0.0216 $15.55
4GB $0.0000099 $0.0355 $25.56
8GB $0.0000176 $0.0633 $45.57
16GB $0.0000330 $0.1189 $85.59
performance-1x 1 performance 2GB $0.0000120 $0.0431 $31.00
4GB $0.0000158 $0.0570 $41.01
8GB $0.0000235 $0.0847 $61.02
performance-2x 2 performance 4GB $0.0000239 $0.0861 $62.00
8GB $0.0000316 $0.1139 $82.01
16GB $0.0000471 $0.1695 $122.03
performance-4x 4 performance 8GB $0.0000478 $0.1722 $124.00
16GB $0.0000633 $0.2278 $164.02
32GB $0.0000942 $0.3390 $244.06
performance-8x 8 performance 16GB $0.0000957 $0.3444 $248.00
32GB $0.0001266 $0.4556 $328.04
64GB $0.0001883 $0.6780 $488.13
performance-16x 16 performance 32GB $0.0001914 $0.6889 $496.01
64GB $0.0002531 $0.9112 $656.09
128GB $0.0003766 $1.3559 $976.25

Stopped Fly Machines

For stopped machines we charge only for the root file system (rootfs) needed for each machine. Each 1GB of rootfs for a machine stopped for 30 days is $0.15. The amount of rootfs needed is defined by your OCI image generated on your app plus a few containerd tweaks on the underlying file system.

GPUs and Fly Machines

Pricing for a GPU-enabled Fly Machine is the price of a standard Fly Machine (see above) plus the price of the attached GPU. Like Machines, GPUs are billed by the second when the attached Machine is running.

On-demand GPU pricing:

  • A10: $1.50/hr per GPU
  • L40S: $2.50/hr per GPU
  • A100 40G PCIe: $2.50/hr per GPU
  • A100 80G SXM: $3.50/hr per GPU

Usage terms:

  • No minimum usage requirements.
  • Customizable CPU, RAM, and storage options.

Reserved and dedicated options:

  • Discounted rates for reserved GPU Machines and dedicated hosts.

Persistent Storage Volumes

Fly Volumes are local persistent storage for Machines.

  • $0.15/GB per month of provisioned capacity

Volume billing is pro-rated to the hour.

You’ll be charged for volumes that you create, whether they are attached to a Machine or not, including when an attached Machine is stopped.

Network prices

Anycast IP addresses

Each application receives a shared IPv4 address and unlimited Anycast IPv6 addresses for global load balancing.

Dedicated IPv4 addresses are $2/mo.

Managed SSL certificates

We use Lets Encrypt to issue certificates, and donate half of our SSL fees to them at the end of each calendar year.

  • Single hostname certificates: $0.10/mo
  • Wildcard certificates: $1/mo

Data transfer pricing

Inbound data transfer is free.

Data transfer from apps without an assigned IP address is free. Flycast IPs are considered an IP assignment, so apps using Flycast will accrue data transfer costs.

Otherwise, bills per-region pricing for outbound data transfer.

Regions Monthly Price
  • North America
  • Europe
$0.02 per GB
  • Asia Pacific
  • Oceania
  • South America
$0.04 per GB
  • Africa
  • India
$0.12 per GB

Any traffic exiting a Machine is considered outbound data transfer, including:

  • traffic destined for the internet
  • traffic destined for other Machines or apps in your network
  • traffic destined for extensions like Supabase or Upstash Redis

One exception: traffic destined for Tigris Object Storage is free. Learn more about Extensions billing.

Fly Kubernetes

Fly Kubernetes (FKS) is a managed Kubernetes service that runs on

Extensions offers managed services operated by third parties, such as Tigris Object Storage, Supabase Postgres and Upstash Redis.

When you provision their services, you become their customer, and you pay their list prices via your monthly bill. Charges are updated daily in your dashboard.

You will not be billed separately for:

  • Machines running the services, which are hosted in the provider’s account
  • IP addresses associated with the service
  • Bandwidth to Tigris Object Storage

You will be billed separately for data transfer to services other than Tigris Object Storage. See our data transfer pricing for details.

LiteFS Cloud

LiteFS Cloud is a service that provides streaming backups and point-in-time restore for your SQLite-based applications that use LiteFS.

  • $5 per month for up to 10GB of database storage.
  • Additional $0.50/GB per month for database storage above 10GB.


Community support is included for all customers, regardless of usage level.

Email support is included with our Launch, Scale, and Enterprise plans.

For more about Support, see Support at