We’re Getting Developer Relations Hiring Down to a Science

At Fly.io, we hire based on demonstrated skills, and entirely resume-blind, which gives us access to talent untapped by most of the industry. Our Developer Relations hiring process is the most sophisticated we've built. Here’s how it works.

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Work-Sample Testing: The Gold Standard

Our candidates get an unusual coding test. They do it on their own time, without us looking over their shoulder. You can’t game it with an LLM. It’s deceptively simple, doesn’t ask a lot of time, and answers our most important question for DevRels: can you tell a good story with code?

The Fly.io Workday Process

We're all remote, and we give engineers an unusual amount of agency. It’s a potent combination, and not everyone loves it. So we test for that too, with a totally standardized Slack-based design project. It’s 10x chiller than an interview (our engineers are there to help, not quiz) and we can score it mechanically.

Strong DevRels Can Sell a Story

So we ask them to. We have candidates take 30 minutes to build a conference presentation deck, then deliver it to us. We record these presentations and play them back for a panel of judges. Every candidate gets the same prompt, but pitches in their own way, and we grade on what they focus on, how they tell a story, and how well they’ve absorbed our technology.

This Is the Best Way We Know How to Hire DevRels. Compared to Interviewing, It Is…

  • Fairer

    We don’t care where you went to school or what Google’s recruiter thinks of your resume, and we’re respectful of candidate time.

  • Deeper

    You can’t bluff your way through this process, we don’t have to read anybody’s mind, and we learn exactly the things that predict performance.

  • Lucrativ-er

    Our system is like ground penetrating radar for talent. People get their first jobs in the industry through it and then knock us on our asses. Ask us for the stories.