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Peri and Post Menopause Art

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About this Group

Peri And Post Menopause ArtPeri and Post is more than a Group; it’s a movement to challenge stereotypes, celebrate creativity, and empower older women.

By curating unique artwork designed by peri-menopausal and postmenopausal women, we aim to create a vibrant community that showcases the wisdom and value these women bring to society. Together, we’ll redefine what it means to age aspirationally, creatively, and powerfully.

Art is a channel to highlight and start conversations about Women's Health issues from birth to menopause. Menopause is finally having its moment and we are shining a light on Peri and Post Menopause using artistic expression to change the aging female narrative and claim midlife mastery!

The Menopause Research and Equity Act of 2023 was presented to Congress and its an opportunity for all vulva owners to call for better women's health care. Share your most thought provoking and conversation starting artwork pertaining to the Menopause transition!

We believe in the power of women to continue making valuable contributions to society whatever their age! Find 'Peri and Post' on Instagram @PeriandPost and Facebook.

Featured Group Logo: 'Warrior' by Sawsan Wolski

Group Rules:
1. All Media Welcome
2. Descriptions on artwork should clearly indicate the Menopause Message/ inspiration for the creation
3. Nudity is accepted as long as it is artistic in value and not suggestive, pornographic, degrading, or offensive.
4. Images should be of good quality and size and your own original work.
5. The Administrator reserves the right to reject artwork not meeting the rules.

Thank you for joining the cause for Menopause!

GROUP: Peri and Post Menopause
GROUP URL: https://fineartamerica.com/groups/peri-and-post-menopause-art-.html


Vanessa Thomas

Dublin, CA

United States

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Group Overview

This group was started on January 7th, 2024.