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Neurographic ArtPlatinum Admin Award Award.

THEME- This group will explore the Relaxing, De-stressing, Healing benefits of Neurographic ART as developed by Russian psychologist, Pavel Piskarev in 2014.

DEFINITION: Thru this newly emerging art therapy technique, people mindfully draw (or paint) free flow lines (emanating from and disappearing off page edges), then thicken lines at their interstices until no sharp intersections remain. In other words, turn any “ V”s into “U”s. As the name of this therapy implies, resultant shapes resemble the brain’s NEURONs in GRAPHIC ART form. This process often results in overall emergent shapes or it might remain abstract.
FAA IMAGE DESCRIPTION …MUST adhere to Neurographic Criteria (above) and CONTAIN: reference to Pavel Piskarev’s Neurographic definition/development Process below:
“This artwork was created using Neurographic Art techniques as developed by Pavel Piskarev in 2014.”

PURPOSE: While it can be a healing technique, I find it to be a meditative-relaxing exercise which ANYone regardless of age or art training might enjoy.
Mindful that there are many other popular drawing exercises (ZenTangle, Continuous Line, Indian line artistry, doodling and digital design programs like “Vectornator”) which might offer an aesthetic accent choice within the overall image, this group’s THEME and PRIMARY FOCUS is Neurographic ART. This does not mean these other drawing elements cannot be contained in your artwork, it means it cannot OVERSHADOW the NEUROGRAPHIC art elements. For examples, see the group logo, featured images and Pavel’s on-line tutorials …There are many of Pavel Piskarev’s real time development renderings on YouTube.

Medium choices are generous: PENCILS/Colour/watercolour pencils, INKS/Elegant Writer/micron ink pens, Sharpies, gelpens, BRUSHES/brush pens for watercolour, acrylic to name a few . The Technique is equally impressive on a broad range of substrates…paper, canvas, paper and cloth collage, etc., and I have found it is generous in its invitation to embrace shapes that evolve into and coexist well with classical development. This is a personally liberating, out of the box invitation to stoke my creative muse as well as stimulate peacefulness. Won’t you join me?

MEMBERSHIP CRITERIA - (MUST haves): 1. Completed BIO 2. Avatar 3. Desire to RELAX or PLAY

1. Adherence to the definition of Neurographic Art as described above.
2. Other drawing style inclusions must be incidental, with creative outcroppings NOT diluting the PRIMARY Neurographic style.
3. Your FAA IMAGE DESCRIPTION …MUST adhere to Neurographic Criteria (above) and CONTAIN: reference to Neurographic definition/development Process.
Example: “This artwork was created using Neurographic Art techniques as developed by Pavel Piskarev in 2014.”
4.You are invited to:
POST Two (2) FEATURES/DAY (subject to change as membership rises)
PARTICIPATE /REPLY to the established Topic Discussions Threads cited below:
-NEUROGRAPHIC ART threads- Various
- PARTICIPATE IN MONTHLY Group Sponsored-NeurographicART PLAY Series CONTESTS:
5. NO Nudity, Family Friendly, please

I will have regular feature opportunity and a monthly contest.
*I reserve the exclusive rights for removal of images/members not adhering to above criteria.

🏆🤩SPECIAL GA CONGRATULATIONS👏🏻 🫵You are awarded the distinction of SPECIAL GA-SPOTLIGHT Feature in The NEUROGRAPHIC ART GROUP! BRAVO!🤩🎨 Please archive this Special moment in the group thread, 2024 🏆🌟SPECIAL GA HOMEPAGE FEATURES👏🏻👏🏻

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Laurel Adams

Danville, KY

United States

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Group Overview

This group was started on October 19th, 2022.