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Catholic Art Gallery'But for everyone, believers or not, the works of art inspired by Scripture remain a reflection of the unfathomable mystery which engulfs and inhabits the world.'
St. Pope John Paul II, Letter to Artists

***Welcome to Catholic Art Gallery group on Pixels.com and Fine Art America***


1. This group is here specifically to share Catholic and religious artwork with lovers of Sacred Art, to make the stories of the Bible, the saints, and other Christian Artwork, that does not portray anything against the teachings of The Catholic Church, approachable and accessible to both Catholics and other Christians and those outside the Christian faith that seek to understand spiritual truths.

2. Catholic Art is the bedrock, the foundation of the most beautiful sacred art in the world. The Church was founded on the blood of the martyrs. Many of those martyrs and others dedicated to Christian works throughout history have been canonized into sainthood, according to the Catholic Church's strict canonization policies. Whether it is a statue, stained glass window, painting or other artistic expression, sacred art reminds the viewer of the sanctity of God, His Holy Word, and recognizes the holy people who put their trust in Jesus Christ as savior of their sins and loved Jesus so much that they gave their lives, either literally or in service, to Him. The Catholic Church honors that service. Sacred art transcends the viewer into a spiritual world of worship, reverence, remembrance, and gives dignity to those Christians who have come before and stood for the truth of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ throughout the Church age.

3. WEDNESDAY IS FEATURE DAY. YOU MAY SUBMIT ONE (1) IMAGE PER DAY. Images submitted should clearly be Catholic images, or include the 'Catholic' identifier in the keywords, description, or title so that they may be admitted into the gallery and may be featured. Be aware that AI-derived keywords and descriptions may not completely identify your work as you prefer and may not include a Catholic identifier. Featured artworks will remain on the homepage for at least 7 days. The admin reserves the right to remove any images that do not meet the group guidelines at any time and without notification.

4. Photographs and Artwork of ALL MEDIUMS ARE ACCEPTED. However, images of nature or flowers, for example, or other images without a religious meaning, the Christian message not expressed in the title, keywords, description, or obvious from the image itself, will not be admitted into this gallery. Art for pretty's sake alone is not sufficient. So if you see the admin not accepting your images into the gallery, please modify it in some way so it meets the criteria. Artists who repeatedly ignore the rules will continue to have their works rejected. And sadly, those who repeatedly submit images not complying with these rules may have to be removed from this group.

5. Scroll down to view the latest featured artwork. Click the Images tab for the most recent additions to the gallery. Also, click the Contest tab for information on new and past contests. And please visit the discussions tab often to keep up to date on admin and member communications.

6. NEW WEEKLY TOP OF THE TOP FEATURE: Each week the admin will select at least five images from the featured art on the homepage to be awarded Top of the Top Feature for the week. So please consistently only submit your very best artworks into the gallery each week. The more distinctive and unique, with strong composition, the better chance of being a feature, and being elevated and honored as a Top of the Top Feature.

7. ADDITIONAL UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY: Weekly the admin has started a homepage member showcase of artists for extra promotion. The admin has to certify the submissions for presentation. Please see the discussion thread for guidelines.

Thank you so much for sharing your artistic vision and the beauty of our Lord's Church with the world!

Please remember to abide by the Forum Rules per the FAA when participating in discussion threads. See the links below.


FAA Rules

Thank you!

Liz Knight
Administrator, Catholic Art Gallery

Group logo by Frank J Casella, Photographer (with his permission)
To view his FAA profile, highlight the url, right click, and select 'open link.'

If you are interested in signing up for Frank's newsletter, etc., click Frank's link below:
Sign up for my newsletter for weekly group features, my blog posts, and more.

Liz's other groups you might be interested in:
Christian Art and Photography
Christian Theme Artwork Group
Stained Glass Art Work Group
Artwork in Progress
Mosaics Murals and More
Shining Light for Christ
Four Seasons

(Visit his entire FAA profile at this link: highlight, right click to open link)

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Liz Knight

Carlsbad, CA

United States

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Group Overview

This group was started on March 16th, 2011.