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Anything but Traditional

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About this Group

Anything But TraditionalPlatinum Admin AwardPlatinum Group Award.

The group logo is 'Celestial Ocean' by Laurie's Intuitive; please visit this link to comment, like/favorite, or share:https://fineartamerica.com/featured/celestial-ocean-lauries-intuitive.html


This group (formerly named Digital Art and AI Art) was created to share AI/digital art (no traditional mediums, including no unedited photographs). The group was renamed to signify that no traditional mediums or photographs are accepted. The number of special features will vary but I'm hoping to do a minimum of 1 daily, one weekly feature, and one monthly feature. The group members choose the monthly feature and group logo through a contest. The group logo changes every three months.

Many of the artists in this group are AI artists, a form of digital art. What is digital art? This is the commonly accepted definition: any artwork that draws upon digital technology as an essential part of its creative process. It encompasses various techniques, from digital drawings, paintings, and illustrations to photos, videos, and sculpture. What is AI? AI is digital art.

AI images are copyrighted with the holder being the person who issued the prompts. This is settled law in many nations and internationally. They may legally be sold.

This group will accept any AI-only work, work edited or started with AI, digital work, and digitally edited work using digital programs. Edits will need to be significant. If you are in doubt, you can join my other group AI Digital and Everything Else to submit your digitally edited photos and traditional mediums. For submissions, I'm not sure if it's AI or Digital; I will check the description, medium, and category. If there is no reference to AI or a description of how the traditional medium/photograph was digitally edited, the group will not accept it. If it appears to be minimal digital edits, the image will be rejected. Multiple other groups only accept traditional mediums and photographs (excluding AI/Digital).

What I consider art, artistic or quality art, differs from someone else's or even a buyer's view. I genuinely believe Art is Art no matter what form, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, the administrator of this website wants us to limit the number of featured items and instructed us not to feature every image submitted. I will do my best to feature as many as possible. Please understand if your image is not featured it is not a reflection of the quality of your work. I am held to guidelines by the site's administrator. Always remember no one can say any form of creativity and imagination is not art.

ATTENTION BUYERS: The home page will feature images from various artists. The images will be removed as new images are added to the group. You can view or search all the images in the group, too. Click on the images tab to browse through all images. This can be sorted to show the oldest first or the newest first. Click on an image you would like to see a larger thumbnail and more information about it. You can like and comment on the creation. You can also message any artist you want to contact through their gallery. Just click on their name under the image.

***NO PHOTOS OR TRADITIONAL MEDIUMS ACCEPTED*** (Please consider joining my newest group AI, Digital and Everything Else: https://fineartamerica.com/groups/ai--digital-and-everything-else.html?tab=overview. This new group accepts ALL mediums including traditional and photos)


1. Traditional digital photographs are no longer accepted even if digitally edited.

2. NO NUDITY (full, partial, front or back). NO GORE. NO OBSCENITY. NO VULGARITY. NO SEXUAL IMAGES. Anything NSFW (unsafe for work) or unsafe for children to view will not be accepted. You can message me the link to your creation to see if it is acceptable before submitting it. See rule 9 for the type dark arts accepted.

3. Three images per day are allowed. (this may go up or down depending on the volume of images received) I strive to approve images daily, but there may be a delay sometimes. I'll notify the members if it will be more than a couple of days behind.

4. Beginners and professionals are welcome to join. Please submit your best as I am now limiting the number of features a day. The admin of the website is encouraging group admins not to feature all images submitted to groups. This is to challenge the artists to submit only their best work and provide more quality images for buyers.

5. Written words on the images must also be safe for work or children to view. Obscenity, curse words, or attacks on any class of people, including politicians, are not allowed.

6. Remember that all submissions are approved/featured at the administrator's discretion, even if they fit the theme and follow the group's rules. If your image is rejected, it is not a reflection of the quality of your work. It means the image isn't appropriate for this group.

7. Not every group will accept dark images. Being someone who understands clinical depression, anxiety, etc. I will allow certain mental illness-related 'darker' images in this group. No gore, torture, excessive bloodiness, or demonic or satanic images will be accepted. If you want to send me the link to your image before submitting that will be fine, otherwise if you submit it and it is rejected, it's not because of the quality of the art, it means it isn't appropriate for this group. I am a Christian and if I have a 'disturbing' response to the image I will remove it.

8. No Famous people or celebrities. No trademarked images unless you have written permission from the owner. If you have written permission, then state so in the comments of your image so it is not rejected from the group.

9. Not every group will accept emotionally dark images. Being someone who understands clinical depression, anxiety, etc. I will allow certain 'darker' images in this group. They will be accepted at my discretion only. No gore, torture, excessive bloodiness, or satanic images will be accepted. If you want to send me the link to your image before submitting that will be fine, otherwise if you submit it and it is rejected, it's not because of the quality of the art, it means it isn't appropriate for this group.

I look forward to supporting AI/Digital artists. I will try to follow anyone who joins and hope you will return the favor to me and anyone else who joins. This is not a requirement to be a group member but a request. It may take me up to a month to follow you due to work and managing 3 groups on FAA. Let's support and promote each other! I hope this becomes an active and popular group. I would love this to become more of a community where we get to know and support each other.

Please consider joining my other group, The Dog Family, which accepts ALL mediums within the theme: https://fineartamerica.com/groups/the-dog-family.html. I see many dog images in this group and would love to see them in The Dog Family group, too. It features all submissions daily since less than 31 images come through a day. https://fineartamerica.com/groups/the-dog-family.html

Follow me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CindysDigitalCreations/

***NO PHOTOS OR TRADITIONAL MEDIUMS ACCEPTED*** (Please consider joining my newest group AI, Digital and Everything Else: https://fineartamerica.com/groups/ai--digital-and-everything-else.html?tab=overview. This new group accepts ALL mediums including traditional and photos)

Monthly Feature

Art Prints

Feature of the Week ending 07/13/24

Wall Art

The top 3 winners of group-sponsored contests and admin choice will be featured in the discussions for each contest. In 2024, I am adding a 'special feature(s) of the Day' image below. This may be from submissions today or prior submissions. This is as time allows, if I'm unable to to pick a submission(s) for the day I'll put TBD.

Special Feature(s) of the Day


A Single Tree Contest Winners (displayed until 7.25.2024)

First place

Art Prints

Second Place

Buy Art Online

Third Place

Wall Art


Cindy's Creative Corner

Roanoke, VA

United States

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Group Overview

This group was started on October 29th, 2022.