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AI - Digital and Everything Else

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About this Group

Ai - Digital And Everything ElseThe Logo Image is 'The Eagle Rises' by Debra Whelan. Please stop by her gallery and congratulate her on being chosen as the group logo through the end of September. https://fineartamerica.com/featured/the-eagle-rises-hope-for-the-future-of-america-debra-whelan.html


FOR ALL BUYERS: If you are looking for original, unique, and creative artwork to purchase, collect, or give, this group is ideal. To view the artist and the artwork that interests you, click on the image to learn more and access the personal profile of the artist. All works are available in many product choices as well as many choices as wall art. I am not able to feature all the images at once so I encourage you to browse through the images tab too.

Special Notice about AI art: AI images are copyrighted with the holder being the person who issued the prompts. This is settled law in many nations and internationally. They may legally be sold.

I believe ART is ART. So if it's art to you, then welcome to the group! It doesn't matter what medium you choose. AI and Digital are welcome as are traditionalists and photographers. In case any other type of art medium comes along, I want the artist to feel welcomed here too. So I've lumped traditionalists and photographers into the 'everything else'. Any level from beginners to experts is welcome too.


Now for the rules:

1. No disrespecting of any artist, art style, or medium of choice

2. All images must be kid/family friendly (safe for work)...see rule #7 concerning dark arts

3. No nudity of any kind since those under 16 may also join or view images on this site. No sexual scenes. If it makes me blush, then it won't be accepted even if it doesn't make everyone blush :-).

4. No divisive discussions or images. Examples (no political, no making fun of any race, age, religion, gender, etc) If you are unsure if it's allowed, please message me.

5..You may create discussions as long as they stay in line with the rules of this group and FAA exception: DO NOT CREATE INDIVIDUAL THANK YOU THREADS. As the group grows I will create a yearly thank you thread and/or monthly. I like to keep these types of discussions reasonable in size to give them more opportunity for exposure. Buyers don't want to browse through pages of images.

6.No Famous people or celebrities and no Trademarked images unless you have written permission from the owner. If you have written permission, please include it in the description of your image to avoid being rejected.

7. Not every group will accept dark images. Being someone who understands clinical depression, anxiety, etc. I will allow certain mental illness-related 'darker' images in this group. No gore, torture, excessive bloodiness, or demonic or satanic images will be accepted. If you want to send me the link to your image before submitting that will be fine, otherwise if you submit it and it is rejected, it's not because of the quality of the art, it means it isn't appropriate for this group. I am a Christian and if I have a 'disturbing' response to the image I will remove it.

As the admin, I make the final decision on accepted images and create discussions. Images and discussions may be deleted even if they follow the rules of the group. As far as features, the number of daily features will be random. While beauty/quality is in the eye of the beholder, I try to ensure the images that best represent the artists in this community are featured (even if it's not my style) I will not showcase individual artists unless it's a reward for being a leader in a group sponsored contest. I will try not to feature the images of the same artists over and over again. Remember, if your work is NOT featured, it is not a reflection of the quality of your work. The admin of the site encourages admins of groups to limit the number of features and not feature all images submitted to the group. I try to see the art from another's perspective as best I can so as many styles and techniques can be featured. Once the number of images on the home page reaches 31 images, you will notice rotation as the FAA suggests only 31 images be featured at a time so the loading of the feed doesn't slow down. Contests will offer a place on the homepage too for the leaders.

FAA allows admins to have up to 4 images of their own featured on the home page. I use my images as place settings to know where I have stopped reviewing images.So you may notice some of mine featured too.

I may increase or decrease the submission limit daily at any time to manage the group efficiently.

Please consider joining my other two groups. Anything but Traditional please read what is accepted as not all mediums are accepted in it. There are very few AI/Digital groups so this one is specifically for them to allow them a place to showcase their creativity and art. Only the Dog Family will feature all images submitted as currently there are less than 31 submitted daily.

Anything but Traditional https://fineartamerica.com/groups/anything-but-traditional-.html?tab=overview (Digital and AI only)

The Dog Family https://fineartamerica.com/groups/the-dog-family.html (All mediums)

Monthly Feature

Sell Art Online

Weekly Feature 7.14.2024

Special Feature


Traditional Paint Contest Winners (displayed until 7.25.24)

First Place

Art Prints

Second Place

Wall Art

Third Place

Sell Art Online


Cindy's Creative Corner

Roanoke, VA

United States

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Group Overview

This group was started on May 17th, 2024.