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One Flock One Shepherd

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Contest Rules

One Flock One Shepherd'I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me -- just as the Father knows me and I know the Father -- and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be ONE FLOCK AND ONE SHEPHERD.' As proclaimed by the Lord Jesus Christ to his disciples and as recorded in The Bible, John 10:14-16.

***Please read all the rules carefully before submitting your entries. The admin reserves the right to remove any images not meeting the contest rules at any time and without notification.***

1. This contest is asking for entries that honor the Lord Jesus Christ as the Mediator, the One True Shepherd, the Good Shepherd, who loves his flock, all those 'sheep' who would follow him and believe in him from the beginning of time to the time his work is accomplished for the kingdom of heaven. Jesus is talking about all people, including us! As believers and followers of him, we are part of his look-into-the-future flock! He is the one shepherd; we are the one flock. A beautiful, simple unity of faith. All based on him, all based on his works, because we could not save ourselves.

2. Images may have text or no text. Suggested entries: Jesus in his New Testament ministry years; Jesus as prophesied from the Old Testament; Jesus on the cross or off the cross; Jesus risen from the grave and his ascension into heaven; his life as a whole where he proves himself to be the Son of God, the Holy One, the Only God, the Savior of the World from the beginning to the end, the Alpha and the Omega. So it's all about Jes - Us! Get it? Smile.

3. All mediums are accepted.

4. You do not need to be a group member of the sponsoring group, Shining Light for Christ, to participate in this contest. However, you are cordially invited to visit the group and join if you're interested. Group members have the additional chance to be selected in Liz's Special Mentions. At least 5 special mentions will also be displayed in oversized images on the group homepage. These special mentions are outside the contest top winners and may include images that are not top finishers. But again, this opportunity is only available for group members. Special mentions are the admin's way of thanking group members for joining in the contest.

5. The admin honors ties.

6. All images submitted to this contest must be owned 100% by the FAA artist.

7. Each participant may submit 3 entries.

***Contest Logo by Liz Knight - Jesus the Mediator***
See Liz's full FAA profile at the link below (highlight, right click, open link)

Submission Rules

Each participant may submit 3 images.

Voting Rules

1)   Votes may be cast by any visitor to FineArtAmerica.com (members and non-members).

2)   You may only vote once per image.

3)   You may vote for as many images as you like... but only once for any given image.

Contest Timeline

Status: This contest is over.

Submissions Begin

Monday, July 8th, 2024 - 3:46 PM

Submissions End / Voting Begins

Saturday, July 13th, 2024 - 3:46 PM

Voting Ends / Prizes Awarded

Tuesday, July 16th, 2024 - 3:46 PM

Current Time (Eastern United States)

Sunday, July 21st, 2024 - 1:21 AM

Contest Prizes

This contest will be awarding the following prizes:

1st Place:

Oversized Feature on Group Homepage for One Week

2nd Place:

Oversized Feature on Group Homepage for One Week

3rd Place:

Oversized Feature on Group Homepage for One Week

Contest Organizer

Liz Knight

Carlsbad, CA

United States

Sponsoring Group

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