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From Frescoes to Murals

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This contest is over.   Click here to view the winners!

Contest Rules

From Frescoes to MuralsPlease read ALL THE RULES carefully before submitting your entries.

1. This contest accepts images that are defined as frescoes and murals. A fresco is a painting or image created as part of a wall or ceiling by applying pigments directly onto the wet, fresh plaster so that the image becomes a part of the wall or ceiling. A mural is a picture or image painted or affixed directly onto a wall or ceiling, also a greatly enlarged photograph attached directly to a wall or ceiling. Mural techniques for purposes of this contest also include graffiti and marouflage.

2. Only images of real murals and frescoes will be accepted. No computer-created or AI-created images are allowed. Otherwise, all mediums are accepted.

3. You do not need to be a member of the sponsoring group, Mosaics Murals and More. However, you are cordially invited to visit the group and are encouraged to join if you'd like. See #4 for special opportunity.

4. Special Group Member Opportunity: Contest participants that are group members are entitled to be chosen into Liz's Special Mentions, outside the contest winners, up to at least 5 additional selections. These special mentions will be displayed in oversized images on the group homepage along with the contest winners. The admin selects the special mentions from the entire contest entries, not just the leaderboard.

5. All images submitted to this contest must be owned 100% by the FAA artist.

6. The admin reserves the right to remove any images not meeting the contest rules at any time and without notification.

7. Each participant may submit 5 images.

***Contest Logo by Marlin and Laura Hum (with permission) - Fresco Greek Gods Thermopolium Pompeii***
Visit their entire FAA profile at the link below (highlight, right click, select open)

***Each participant may submit 5 images***

Submission Rules

Each participant may submit 5 images.

Voting Rules

1)   Votes may be cast by any visitor to FineArtAmerica.com (members and non-members).

2)   You may only vote once per image.

3)   You may vote for as many images as you like... but only once for any given image.

Contest Timeline

Status: This contest is over.

Submissions Begin

Saturday, June 29th, 2024 - 2:36 PM

Submissions End / Voting Begins

Thursday, July 4th, 2024 - 2:36 PM

Voting Ends / Prizes Awarded

Sunday, July 7th, 2024 - 2:36 PM

Current Time (Eastern United States)

Sunday, July 21st, 2024 - 1:30 AM

Contest Prizes

This contest will be awarding the following prizes:

1st Place:

Oversized Feature on Group Homepage for One Week

2nd Place:

Oversized Feature on Group Homepage for One Week

3rd Place:

Oversized Feature on Group Homepage for One Week

Contest Organizer

Liz Knight

Carlsbad, CA

United States

Sponsoring Group

Join the Contest

Click here to submit your artwork to this contest.

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