Reveal Pricing Packages: How Much Does this BI Software Cost in 2024?

How much does Reveal cost?
Reveal has a straightforward pricing plan. You can pay for it monthly or annually. If you choose the former, it will cost you $9.99 per user per month. For the yearly plan, the price is $99.99 per user. A free trial available for 14 days lets you explore all the capabilities of the platform.

Data is the new gold mine. Indeed, it helps drive sales and create new opportunities for companies. But making sense of it is a challenge that organizations still struggle to surmount. A case in point is a retail business whose sales representatives are inconsistent in meeting their targets. That is because they mostly relied on their gut feelings rather than on hard facts.

To remedy that, the sales department manager aimed to understand sales performance and processes. As such, that company invested in business intelligence software. What happened next was that the sales team compounded their growth by more than 20%. The company even managed to retain more of its sales staff, as they organized workflows and implemented data-backed sales strategies.

You can experience similar success with a leading BI solution, too. Since you are here, you must be considering Reveal for your enterprise. Below, we discuss the pricing plans for the product to help you determine which one can help your company save on costs while creating more opportunities for success.

Reveal pricing packages

Business intelligence is a disruptive innovation that organizations are implementing to increase their chances of success. In fact, 91.6% of companies worldwide are putting more money in Big Data and AI, technologies that can provide them with better business insights.

big data and AI investment

That is understandable because BI has proven itself with remarkable results. Indeed, there has been an increase in companies’ average ROI after implementing BI solutions. As such, organizations uncover more opportunities. On top of that, they can cut costs while increasing revenues. They can even compound those savings with cloud deployment. Fortunately, vendors of on-premise solutions now offer cloud-based BI.

Thus, it is no longer about whether or not to acquire a BI platform. Instead, companies ought to ask which solution to implement and which subscription plan to sign up for.

Overview of Reveal

Reveal is a business intelligence software that offers more than 30 types of charts. This makes it functional for any industry, as you can customize to display the metrics you want or need. In line with that, its dashboards are clean and the layout makes it easy to find the data you require.

And if ever you want to change how Reveal displays the charts, you can simply drag-and-drop elements across the screen. With this easy operation capability, you can save time while tailoring the solution to your needs. The same applies to reports–you can generate them quickly to gain insights into areas on which you are working.

You can also expect to have up-to-date information in your dashboards and reports. That is because you never have to enter data manually into the BI platform. Instead, you can connect to data sources, which synchronizes data to Reveal.

Moreover, the platform is accessible on any device. This means that you can uncover insights even when you are on the go.

Curious about what business analytics is all about? Read more about it in this in-depth article about business analytics.

Reveal dashboard

Reveal offers creative visualizations of data.

Key Features of Reveal

  • Self-service business intelligence
  • 30+ chart types
  • Unlimited dashboards
  • Drag-and-drop functionality
  • Real-time data
  • Data source integration
  • Scheduled data refresh
  • Machine learning
  • Social media analytics
  • Financial performance
  • Website analytics
  • Sales performance metrics

Detailed Reveal Review

Reveal’s Pricing Packages

Self-service business intelligence solution Reveal is a great tool for organizations that have numerous sources of data. With this, they can consolidate information on a single platform and get up-to-date insights.

Reveal only has three pricing plans: one is a monthly subscription, the second is a yearly subscription, and the last one is for embedded analytics. It has a free trial plan that is available for 14 days as well.

1. Time-Limited Free Plan for All

Reveal offers any interested individual, team, or company the chance to try its capabilities free. However, this is costless only for 14 days. Still, it enables you to see the extent of what it can do yourself. Thus, with this trial, you can determine whether it works for you or not. Plus, it gives you the chance to configure it so when you decide to implement it, you can dive into work immediately.

What’s included in the Free Plan?

  • All-access to Reveal
  • Data visualizations
  • Availability to all team members

Signing up for the free trial is easy, too. You can use your existing Google or Microsoft account and connect it with the Reveal platform. You also have the option to create an account with Infragistics, the company behind Reveal. But if you have an account with them already, you can use that to sign in to the platform as well.

2. Monthly Plan for Users Who Want Flexibility

The cost of the Reveal Monthly Plan is $9.99 per user. This plan is perfect for individuals and teams that are looking to try the Reveal platform for a longer period. If you are not yet decided whether to implement the solution in your organization fully, you can select this package.

What’s included in the Monthly Plan?

  • Data source integrations
  • Machine learning predictions
  • Secure visualizations

Your business intelligence or data science team can explore Reveal’s functionalities more with the monthly subscription. This gives you a chance to evaluate the software fully. What’s more, it allows you to determine which of your databases you can integrate with it.

Reveal dashboard

You can connect numerous data sources with Reveal.

3. Annual Plan for Decided Teams

Infragistics offers the Reveal Annual Plan for $99.99 per user. This gives you significant savings compared to what it will cost you if you avail of the Monthly Plan for a year instead. That is because the latter will set you back $119.88 per user. Meanwhile, if you sign up for a yearly subscription, you can cut $19.89 in your expenses for every user.

What’s included in the Annual Plan?

  • Team collaboration
  • Exporting of dashboards
  • Multi-device access

The annual subscription is a good deal when you are sure you will keep on utilizing Reveal. Not only will it help you save money but it will also save you time since you will no longer switch between platforms. Additionally, it is a good chance for you to employ Big Data in understanding your customers, from their needs and wants to their behaviors.

4. Embedded Analytics for Enterprises

Infragistics built Reveal with embedded analytics in mind. This helps you embed the solution into your enterprise applications seamlessly. If this is what you are looking for, then you are in the right place. Reveal’s Embedded Analytics pricing is not available publicly but you can reach out to the sales team easily.

What’s included in the Embedded Analytics Plan?

  • Quick integration
  • Sophisticated statistical functions
  • In-app modeling

With the Embedded Analytics Plan, you can access statistical functions that can help you raise the bar for your data visualizations. You can even make predictions with machine learning models without leaving the software’s interface. Additionally, integrating with third-party platforms is a quick affair.

Reveal dasboard

Reveal enables you to uncover insights that can help your company and customers.

Which Reveal Pricing Plan is Best for You?

Now, the question is which plan to acquire. As we have discussed above, each subscription package is designed to meet varying needs. With the monthly plan, you have flexibility–in case you do not need to continue using the platform, you can stop using it. And when you require its assistance, then you can sign up again.

For the annual subscription, it is best when you need visualizations on a daily or weekly basis. This way, you can save on subscription costs and have continuous access to the solution’s capabilities.

And if you are looking to embed analytics into your applications, the Embedded Analytics Plan is your best bet. Through it, you can empower customers to process their own data and build stunning dashboards.

However, if you are still undecided, you can try Reveal at no cost for 14 days. Afterward, you can make your final choice.

You can also learn more about the role of Big Data in enterprises through these 11 Big Data trends for 2020.

Key Insights

  • Data-Driven Decisions: Implementing BI software like Reveal can significantly boost sales performance and streamline workflows by providing actionable insights based on real-time data.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: Reveal offers various pricing plans, including a cost-effective annual subscription that provides significant savings compared to the monthly plan.
  • Customization and Flexibility: Reveal’s drag-and-drop functionality and customizable dashboards make it easy to tailor the platform to specific business needs.
  • Integration Capabilities: The software integrates seamlessly with numerous data sources, ensuring up-to-date and comprehensive data analysis.
  • Scalability: Reveal is suitable for businesses of all sizes, offering flexibility with its monthly plan and scalability with its annual and embedded analytics plans.
  • Embedded Analytics: For enterprises looking to integrate BI capabilities into their own applications, Reveal offers an embedded analytics plan with sophisticated statistical functions and machine learning models.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The platform’s intuitive interface allows users to easily generate reports and visualizations, facilitating quick decision-making.
  • Free Trial: Reveal provides a 14-day free trial, allowing potential users to explore its features and determine its suitability for their business needs.


1. What is Reveal?

Reveal is a business intelligence software that provides over 30 types of charts and customizable dashboards to help businesses analyze and visualize their data effectively.

2. What are the key features of Reveal?

Reveal offers self-service BI, drag-and-drop functionality, real-time data integration, scheduled data refresh, machine learning predictions, and more than 30 chart types for data visualization.

3. How much does Reveal cost?

Reveal offers three main pricing plans: a monthly plan at $9.99 per user, an annual plan at $99.99 per user, and an embedded analytics plan with custom pricing. There is also a 14-day free trial available.

4. What is included in the 14-day free trial?

The free trial provides full access to all of Reveal’s features, including data visualizations, team collaboration, and data source integrations, allowing users to explore the platform’s capabilities.

5. Can I integrate Reveal with my existing data sources?

Yes, Reveal allows integration with multiple data sources, ensuring that your dashboards and reports are always up-to-date with real-time data.

6. What is the difference between the monthly and annual plans?

The monthly plan offers flexibility for users who may not need long-term access, while the annual plan provides significant savings for users who require continuous access to the platform.

7. What is the Embedded Analytics Plan?

The Embedded Analytics Plan is designed for enterprises looking to integrate Reveal’s BI capabilities into their own applications. It includes features like quick integration, sophisticated statistical functions, and in-app modeling.

8. How can I sign up for Reveal?

You can sign up for Reveal using your Google or Microsoft account, or by creating an account with Infragistics, the company behind Reveal. Existing Infragistics account holders can use their credentials to sign in.

9. What types of businesses can benefit from using Reveal?

Reveal is suitable for businesses of all sizes and industries that need to consolidate data from multiple sources and gain actionable insights through customizable dashboards and visualizations.

10. How does Reveal ensure data security?

Reveal provides secure data visualizations and integrations, ensuring that your data is protected throughout the analysis process. The platform is designed to meet enterprise security standards.

Chris Miller

By Chris Miller

Chris Miller is a senior customer service analyst at FinancesOnline. For more than 5 years now, he has witnessed and written about the tremendous impact of digital technologies that have deeply disrupted the customer service industry. The onset of chatbots and other AI/ML tech, omnichannel platforms, highly personalized service, the emerging blockchain methodologies specially created a deep impact, all of which are reflected in his writing. His reviews of customer service applications serve as invaluable resources for businesses of any size and scale.

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