What is Marketing Automation Software for B2C?

Marketing automation software is used by marketing teams to automate daily tasks. Marketers can specify factors and outcomes for tasks and activities that can be performed with this program. This type of software boosts efficiency and minimizes both costs and manual errors. You can use marketing automation software to adopt a proactive approach and make use of data-based strategies to gain competitive advantage from your customer engagement. Show more This solution also offers a range of automation and analytics tools for marketing. Key features include inbound lead generation, lead scoring and nurturing, behavioral tracking, social media management, call logging, quoting, and sales forecasting and methodology. Select your favorite marketing automation app from the popular ones in this category, and don't forget to read all about the current leader Freshmarketer. Show less

How was this ranking made?

To develop this ranking of best Marketing Automation Software for B2C we have analyzed leading applications currently available on the market, studying their features, ease of implementation, client support, possible integrations as well as mobile device support with our exclusive SmartScoreTM rating system. This list has been created by Louie Andre, our SaaS authority responsible for the Marketing Automation Software for B2C category.

List of Top 12 Marketing Automation Software for B2C

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1. Freshmarketer

Our score: 8.8 User satisfaction: 100%

All-in-one conversion rate optimization (CRO) suite designed to help marketing teams deliver more personalized customer experiences at every touchpoint across their lifecycle. With powerful campaigns analytics in Freshmarketer, users gain insights on opens, clicks, and responses to improve engagement and generate quality leads for sales teams.

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2. HubSpot Marketing Hub

Our score: 9.5 User satisfaction: 98%

HubSpot Marketing is an easy-to-use advanced digital marketing software solution. It is used for a variety of marketing needs and channels from SEO to social media. The platform has a CRM base complete with analytics. It has modules to manage blogs, lead generation, social monitoring, ads, and email marketing.

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Our score: 9.8 User satisfaction: 99%

An industry-leading collaboration app for on-site and remote work teams. This leverages tools such as Kanban boards, Gantt charts, and workflow automations to help teams handle any type of project. It also seamlessly integrates with third-party apps to ensure easier adoption and extend its capabilities.

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4. Unbounce

Our score: 9.1 User satisfaction: 94%

A cloud-based platform designed to streamline the landing page building process. Equipped with powerful features for landing page creation and optimization, Unbounce aims to increase your conversion rate. Moreover, Unbounce is equipped with AI-powered tools to further enhance your audience’s online experience, encourage engagement, and drive your sales.

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5. EngageBay

Our score: 8.9 User satisfaction: 100%

EngageBay is an all-in-one marketing, sales, and CRM platform designed to be an affordable alternative to expensive solutions. Considered as a true alternative to more expensive business solutions, EngageBay automates key business processes and routines to free you up to create meaningful customer experiences.

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6. Mobile Text Alerts

Our score: 8.6 User satisfaction: 94%

An affordable and easy business SMS service that lets online enterprises reach customers in seconds. Designed for small and medium-sized businesses, it allows them to communicate with their clients through messaging.

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7. Marketing Creatio

Our score: 9.3 User satisfaction: 100%

Marketing Creatio is a flexible CRM tool that automates lead collection and nurtures them until they turn into opportunities. The software comes with a multi-channel marketing module aligned with the brand’s core capabilities which allows application interactions from front-office to back-office.

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8. Brevo

Our score: 9.3 User satisfaction: N/A

A comprehensive email and SMS marketing campaign tool that lets you build and expand your audience for more conversions. It also empowers companies to build and grow customer relationships via email campaigns, comprehensive workflows, SMS campaigns, personalized signup forms, and customized landing pages.

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9. Omnisend

Our score: 9.1 User satisfaction: 100%

An intuitive marketing automation platform that offers integrated omnichannel workflows, smart list segmentation, and smart reporting to boost customer engagement and sales. Omnisend also gives you visibility into your customers' engagement information across different communication channels.

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10. Maropost Marketing Cloud

Our score: 9.0 User satisfaction: 95%

Maropost is a marketing automation tool that enhances multi-channel customer engagements through unified audience data. It allows you to map out a customer's journey through a campaign with its journey builder, customizable forms, and drag-and-drop interface. The platform's reporting accounts for the entire marketing process in real-time.

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11. Adobe Marketo Engage

Our score: 9.3 User satisfaction: N/A

A software tool that helps marketers master the art and science of digital marketing. It is fitted with comprehensive features including modules for email marketing, event marketing, lead management, and ad spending. The software also provides automation options for key marketing processes.

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12. MailerLite

Our score: 9.0 User satisfaction: 89%

An automated email marketing platform with powerful features for optimizing email campaigns. Using MailerLite, marketers can create dynamic, engaging email campaigns and set up workflows for automated email delivery. Built-in reports also provide data-backed insights into campaign results and metrics such as unsubscriber count and bounce rate. All these features come in an intuitive, visual interface for hassle-free use and onboarding.

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Marketing Automation Software for B2C Guide

Table of contents

B2C marketing automation software solutions are essential to building engagement and in ensuring that your brand remains top-of-mind for the consumer. When used the right way, automation tools for B2C marketing drive sales and boost profitability. B2C marketing automation strengthens the relationship between the brand and the consumer while at the same time building a personalized customer journey.

Get to know each product with free trial

Prior to having the technology to automate marketing, marketers had to conduct campaigns and events by segment. Marketing automation radically transformed practice by enabling marketers to automatically design and send campaigns that are personalized for each type of consumer. The adoption of marketing automation technology, however, did not happen overnight. The transition took time as marketers had to familiarize themselves with new tools.

Today, almost every marketing automation software vendor provides product demos and free trials. Even software tutorial videos are made available online. Given this accessibility, you can avail of a free trial to check if a particular marketing automation software fits your B2C marketing requirements. Product demos are available online, which discuss the key functionalities of marketing automation software. It also includes an overview of how to use the software. Should you wish to know more, most software providers offer free trials so potential clients can actually try the platform for their marketing campaigns and see its advantages and disadvantages—at least in the context of their business. Finally, there are vendors that offer free software to freelance professionals and small businesses. Once you have decided which marketing automation software could best serve your B2C marketing needs, you can proceed with your campaigns without any outright cost.

Some of the most popular marketing automation software that belongs to the top tier typically provide product demos and free trials. You can also request onboarding support so that you will learn how to maximize the features and functionalities of the software. In this way, you will be equipped with the essential skills needed to unleash the powerful software features. You may choose to start with the best B2C marketing automation in the market today such as Freshmarketer, HubSpot Marketing,, Maropost Marketing Cloud, Marketing Creatio, Omnisend, Unbounce, and EngageBay.

Targeted Businesses

Every business needs marketing campaigns. Getting a B2C marketing automation platform should be part of the business strategy as it will streamline your marketing operations and collect crucial data about your customers.

B2C marketing automation tools are designed to make marketing more personalized and data-driven, and as such, it will have a huge impact on how you interact and build relationships with customers. Let’s look at how marketing automation software for B2C helps businesses of all shapes and sizes:

  • Small businesses. Small and even micro-businesses will benefit from using marketing automation software for streamlining operations. Marketing automation software will be able to take care of marketing on multiple channels online and in automating repetitive tasks. In addition, it will boost growth as marketing automation software can help the business gather more data about customers, which could lead to more personalized marketing.
  • Medium-sized Businesses. Medium-sized B2C businesses stand to benefit from marketing automation software for these types of companies typically require mechanisms to retain and grow customers. At this stage, marketing automation software can help nurture customer relationships through more personalized marketing. The midsized business can look into buying behavior and past purchases to design more engaging campaigns.
  • Large Businesses. For large businesses, marketing automation software will deliver powerful analytics that can accurately segment customers and identify specific buying behaviors. With a large collection of data on customers, large companies will be able to effectively manage their growing customer base. At the same time, these companies can also use the data that they have gathered from marketing automation software to design new products and offerings.

What are Examples of Marketing Automation Software for B2C?

  • Freshmarketer is a conversion rate optimization (CRO) software that offers the most complete tools that will automate your marketing and enable you to deliver more personalized campaigns that will increase customer engagement.
  • HubSpot Marketing is an advanced digital marketing tool that can automatically manage lead generation, blogs, ads, social monitoring, and email marketing. It also has a CRM base using powerful analytics,
  • is a software that can manage all marketing and creative initiatives by providing the visibility that you need to monitor all ongoing campaigns and deliver the insights that you need to demonstrate impact.
  • Maropost Marketing Cloud is a robust marketing automation tool with a journey builder feature that maps out the customer journey and enhances multi-channel customer engagements through unified audience data.
  • Marketing Creatio is a multichannel marketing CRM software that streamlines personalized communication across all channels by building 360-degree knowledge about customers, which boosts lead generation and customer retention.

Types of Marketing Automation Software for B2C

There are various types of marketing automation software for B2C, from free tools to powerful suites that deliver end-to-end service. When it comes to software, classification can be based on pricing, features, and other value-added services. In choosing your marketing automation software for B2C, the type of deployment is also an important factor to consider, which can be on-premise, cloud-hosted, or SaaS.

  • On-premise marketing automation software. Hosted on the client’s local server, purchasing a license is required to use this type of software. This type of deployment entails higher investment as it requires complex setup and hardware installation on site.
  • Software-as-a-service (SaaS) marketing automation software. This type of deployment will require monthly or yearly subscription fees but hosting will be from the vendor’s server—which means that there will be no on-site setup. The vendor also takes care of updates and maintenance.
  • Cloud-hosted marketing automation software. This is considered the most affordable type of software deployment for it typically offers free basic plans without the need to update and perform maintenance from the end-user side.

Key Features of Marketing Automation Software for B2C

Before you choose a marketing automation software, you need to identify the specific features and functionalities that you require for your marketing operations. Remember, marketing automation is all about using digital software to automate your tasks. The following features are essential:

  • Email Marketing. This feature of your marketing automation software should be able to build a database that contains important customer information so you can send personalized messages and increase engagement.
  • Online Marketing. The main objective for getting marketing automation software is to automate your online marketing, and the online marketing feature should be robust enough to streamline processes from a single platform.
  • Lead Management. This feature is crucial because all conversions start with the lead. Managing leads encompass lead generation and lead nurturing. The marketing automation software should have metrics for these activities so you can optimize processes.
  • Analytics and Reports. This feature is crucial because data will drive strategy. The analytics and reporting tool should provide key metrics and KPIs that can help you formulate your marketing strategies.
  • Resource Management. Every marketing initiative is a project that requires resource management. The cost of your initiatives and tasks will have an impact on the overall budget, and this tool can also help you evaluate the value of your marketing programs.
  • Social Marketing. Every marketing platform includes social marketing tools that can automate your campaigns on various social media channels and measure ROI using metrics that can inform your marketing strategy.
  • Lead Generation. SEO, dynamic landing pages, and automated lead scoring are essential tools for effective lead generation that your marketing automation software should offer to ensure that your business will continually attract new customers.
  • Landing Pages. The power of a dynamic landing page to attract and engage customers should be maximized by the marketing automation software by orchestrating the customer journey upon reaching the business webpage.
  • A/B Testing. This essential marketing automation software feature allows marketing practitioners to use advanced email segmentation techniques to compare program results and optimize campaigns.
  • Mobile Optimization. Marketing campaigns need to be mobile optimized as more people are accessing emails and websites from their mobile devices. Choose a marketing automation software that includes this tool to ensure that your campaigns will be accessible from any device.
  • API. The marketing automation platform should easily interconnect with your existing software, thus, it is important to choose one that has an open API or inbuilt developer API so you can easily do integration.

Benefits of Marketing Automation Software for B2C

Business-to-consumer marketing needs to be fast as each individual can easily choose a seller that meets immediate needs. B2C marketing is more personalized, and should always be relevant. When done right, marketing automation software for B2C can boost sales and improve profitability. The following are some of the benefits of marketing automation software for B2C:

  • It will bring you closer to the customer. As one of the tools in marketing automation software, social marketing enables consumers to immediately find a store, a restaurant, or any service or item they need by searching on social platforms. If your business has no automated marketing platform in place, you will fail to capture your potential market.
  • It will prevent lost customers. Individual customers in B2C marketing decide on a whim, and when you automate marketing, the well-timed messages can make a huge difference. Once a customer chooses another seller or service provider, you lose an opportunity to gain a customer that has the potential to make repeat purchases.
  • It will increase customer engagement. B2C marketing is all about personalization and automating your marketing, which establishes consistent connections and touchpoints with the consumer. Marketing automation can collect data that can inform your customer engagement strategies.
  • It will improve conversion rates. Marketing automation software can send text reminders, communicate through social media and in-app messaging, and send cart abandonment emails that would make customers feel personalized service. This constant communication with the customer improves conversion rates.
  • It will generate rich data about consumer behavior. Once compiled, the data that you have on each customer will provide your marketing team with insights on buying behavior. Once you know how your customers behave as they interact with your brand, you will be able to design initiatives that can enhance engagement.
  • It will boost sales. While this is the primary reason for every marketing initiative, identifying and knowing your customers should be the ultimate goal of marketing automation. Engaged customers become loyal customers, and loyal customers are repeat purchasers that will boost profitability.
  • Machine learning and AI-assisted platforms. As speed is essential in B2C marketing, AI will continue to enhance automation by making decisions based on data collection and analysis. Chatbots and email will continue to benefit from advancements in AI.
  • Seamless customer experience. Marketing automation has made omnichannel marketing possible, one in which your brand’s presence is felt across multiple channels. This seamlessly integrated shopping experience delivers consistency to the customer resulting in sustained engagement.
  • Predictive lead scoring. Lead scoring is a marketing practice that has been around for quite some time now, but the introduction of AI transformed this into a tool that can quickly predict who among your leads would most likely be converted based on demographics and online behavior.

Potential Issues

Marketing automation software for B2C has undoubtedly transformed the way practitioners engage customers. These tools, however, are not one-size-fits-all solutions that companies simply plug and play. Aside from the learning curve involved, the following potential issues may be encountered when using marketing automation software:

  • Creating quality automation. While most marketing automation software for B2C offers various functionalities, practitioners still find it challenging to create quality automation. Simply automating tasks without a clear set of objectives may underutilize the software’s capabilities.
  • Subpar data. Marketing automation software for B2C has the capability to collect granular information about customers. However, the effectiveness of this functionality depends on how the platform will be used as a touchpoint for every stage of the customer journey.
  • Lack of engaging content. Automation is meant to promote consistency, which includes providing your customers fresh content for them to stay engaged with your brand or business. This becomes a potential problem when your team lacks engaging content.
  • Data management and optimization. Automating marketing processes may seem simple to do, but users must also know how to perform effective data management as well as optimization to maximize benefits.

List of Marketing Automation Software for B2C Companies

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HubSpot Marketing Hub

Marketing Automation Software for B2C
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Marketing Automation Software for B2C
Mobile Text Alerts reviews

Mobile Text Alerts

Marketing Automation Software for B2C
Marketing Creatio reviews

Marketing Creatio

Marketing Automation Software for B2C
Omnisend reviews


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MailerLite reviews


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HubSpot Marketing reviews

HubSpot Marketing

Marketing Automation Software for B2C
Unbounce reviews


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SharpSpring from Constant Contact reviews

SharpSpring from Constant Contact

Marketing Automation Software for B2C

Things to consider when you invest in a SaaS

To select an apt SaaS provider you need to consider key criteria such as privacy and security, support and service, and transparency.

Find out if the vendor can be trusted with data security and privacy. Do they have procedures in place to protect your private information and data? Find about the security procedures they use. This is an important aspect of a SaaS solution that cannot be over-emphasized.

It is important that the provider offers dependable support to resolve any problems quickly. Ask your potential vendors the following queries: Do they offer consulting and training services to assist your staff members to use the software efficiently? Do they have an online support center that has useful articles and training resources? What channels of support do they provide? Do they track concerns till they are resolved? Is customer satisfaction measured?

Does the SaaS provider conduct their business in a transparent and open manner? You can find out by asking them for references you can contact. Talk to existing users of the software to find out about the quality of service provided. Does the vendor make public the algorithms they use in the program? Ask these queries to find a SaaS vendor whom you can trust with your sensitive customer and business data.

Frequently asked questions about Marketing Automation Software for B2C

What is the best marketing automation software for B2C?

Freshmarketer is the best marketing automation software, having gained the highest ratings in this category. It is a complete all-in-one platform that provides lead management and CRM solutions, including monitoring of social media channels and email marketing.

This platform has modules that allow you to manage content, and integrate them into your campaign. The simple and yet powerful marketing automation of Freshmarketer sends the right messages at the right time and provides an end-to-end view of every customer.

What are the benefits of marketing automation software for B2C?

Marketing automation tools for B2C can deliver significant advantages that will have an impact on the overall profitability of your business. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • It will generate better leads. Automation allows you to collect and identify more leads and gives you data on the buying behavior of your leads.
  • It will nurture prospects. When you are able to get a richer picture of your potential customer, you can design targeted campaigns and generate quality leads.
  • It will make content more personal. As you track the behavior of your customers, you are able to design content that is more personal to their journey.
  • It will reduce overall marketing overhead. Automation streamlines processes and makes operations more efficient and saves costs.
  • It will increase marketing ROI. Significant cost savings can be achieved through automating processes like sending email and social management.
  • It will improve productivity. In using marketing automation software, you get to save time by streamlining processes and automating repetitive tasks.
  • It will give you more customer data. Automated collection of customer data at every step of the customer journey means more data for you to make content more personal.
What are the features of marketing automation software for B2C?

Among the most common features of marketing automation software for B2C are:

  • Email Marketing. This feature allows you to send personalized content to customers, including ads and promos to sustain engagement.
  • Online Marketing. Launch a campaign anytime from your desktop or mobile device, and you can also measure and optimize using this feature.
  • Lead Management. Nurturing leads is among the most crucial features of marketing automation software with its aim to convert customers.
  • Analytics and Reports. Aside from collecting customer data, marketing automation software also transforms data into actionable reports.
  • Resource Management. Key metrics are provided by the marketing automation software so you can do effective management based on campaign return.
  • Social Marketing. Since social marketing is now a part of the overall marketing strategy, the marketing automation software includes social functionalities that will make your presence consistent.
  • Lead Generation. To attract new customers, marketing automation software generates leads by using dynamic landing pages, SEO, and automated lead scoring.
  • Landing Pages. Most marketing automation software makes use of landing pages as a tool for capturing the attention of customers and establishing contact.
  • A/B Testing. This feature allows you to test different campaigns for each segment and optimize strategies based on campaign results per segment.
  • Mobile Optimization. To get the most number of leads, your marketing automation software should be compatible with both iOS and Android, and other operating systems.
  • API. For seamless integration with other tools, your marketing automation should be able to integrate with other platforms by having flexible APIs.
What is the easiest marketing automation software for B2C?

While there are various types of marketing automation software, you may opt to choose software that is easy to use and implement:

  • is a simple marketing automation software that uses a drag-and-drop interface. The elements on the dashboard are color-coded which allows marketers to identify quickly the essential data they need. There are also templates available for various marketing initiatives thus providing faster onboarding.
  • HubSpot Marketing is another marketing automation software that made it to our easy-to-use list based on user reviews. Its complete platform makes managing marketing campaigns for multiple accounts simple including keyword optimization and content posting.
  • Marketing Creatio is a platform built to automate marketing campaigns and lead management for businesses of all types and sizes. It leverages no-code tools, omnichannel communications, drag-and-drop content management, and similar easy-to-use modules. This allows even novice users to maximize the platform.
What is a good free marketing automation software for B2C to use?

Omnisend is an ecommerce marketing automation software that enables businesses to streamline and optimize their marketing campaigns. With this, users can come up with omnichannel campaigns, engage customers effectively, segment contacts conveniently, and get smart reports for in-depth analysis.

This platform has a free version where you can send 500 emails and 500 web push per month. Though limited in functionality, the free version of Omnisend includes segmentation and customer analytics, A/B testing, sales and performance reports, popups and signup forms, pre-built automation and workflows, and professional-looking email templates.

Louie Andre

By Louie Andre

B2B & SaaS market analyst and senior writer for FinancesOnline. He is most interested in project management solutions, believing all businesses are a work in progress. From pitch deck to exit strategy, he is no stranger to project business hiccups and essentials. He has been involved in a few internet startups including a digital route planner for a triple A affiliate. His advice to vendors and users alike? "Think of benefits, not features."


Why is FinancesOnline free? Why is FinancesOnline free?

FinancesOnline is available for free for all business professionals interested in an efficient way to find top-notch SaaS solutions. We are able to keep our service free of charge thanks to cooperation with some of the vendors, who are willing to pay us for traffic and sales opportunities provided by our website. Please note, that FinancesOnline lists all vendors, we’re not limited only to the ones that pay us, and all software providers have an equal opportunity to get featured in our rankings and comparisons, win awards, gather user reviews, all in our effort to give you reliable advice that will enable you to make well-informed purchase decisions.
