Longhorn Awards and Student Scholarship Opportunities (LASSO)


Students: Visit Texas One Stop for information about scholarships and financial aid.

Longhorn Awards and Student Scholarship Opportunities (LASSO) is a new campus-wide scholarship management system at the University of Texas at Austin. LASSO integrates with other University systems and provides support for colleges, schools, and units (CSUs) via a streamlined, central process for posting, tracking, and awarding scholarships.

With thousands of scholarships listed, LASSO serves as a centralized database for most scholarships awarded by units across the University.

How to use LASSO

LASSO provides support for colleges, schools, and units (CSUs) via a streamlined, central process for posting, tracking, and awarding scholarships, starting with awards to fund the 2024-25 academic year. Contact the LASSO team for more information about joining LASSO.


LASSO hosts OSFA and participating CSU scholarship awards. This includes fellowship and graduate awards, if applicable. At this time, LASSO cannot integrate to enable the disbursement of tuition waivers/payments (SS2s), tuition reduction benefits (SS3s), or any non-student awards/cash prizes. LASSO’s integration with FRMS should not be used for scholarships intended as emergency funds or for travel when the benefit is to the student, not the University.

No. LASSO will handle award application, committee review, recipient selection, and can programmatically create SS1 vouchers for awards issued through the LASSO system. LASSO will integrate with FRMS to send award information to FRMS where actual disbursement of payments will continue to occur. Any change documents or award cancellations will occur directly in FRMS but will be synched back to LASSO.

The New Student Scholarship Calculator will no longer be updated after award year 2023–24. Starting with award year 2024–25, similar functionality to review an admitted undergraduate student’s data and enter a recruitment scholarship amount is available in LASSO.

No. LASSO will integrate with other University systems and pull pertinent information for awarding into LASSO. Depending on the criteria and application of the award set by the CSU, recipients may be selected for an award without taking any action. CSU scholarship administrators will determine how the application process and award process works for their unit.

No. LASSO will allow students to see their scholarship awards. A student’s full financial aid details, including scholarships awarded through LASSO, will be displayed within the new financial aid system, Oracle Student Financial Aid (SFA) once it is in production.

Yes, LASSO will load all prospective and currently enrolled students and continually update their eligibility data.

Additional FAQ’s are available on our project website.

More Questions?
Contact us anytime at lasso@austin.utexas.edu