
Synapse DUNE 2 VST dla Windows


Synapse Audio(Wersja testowa)

Ocena użytkownika

Synapse Audio Software excitedly released their DUNE 2 VST program, vowing that it was “better than ever” following a redesign. Synapse DUNE, the original, was the software creator’s most popular synth, but it was rewritten completely from scratch a short time ago.

This was carried out to allow for an even wider range of audio features and also to provide better sound quality. Some of the stand-out new additions seen in DUNE 2 have to be the new filters, oscillators, effects and graphical envelopes. Though not compatible with DUNE 1 in any way, they both run well in parallel.

Key features include:

  • 8x Unison, up to 520 oscillators per note.
  • 16 voices of polyphony.
  • Four graphical envelopes (MSEG).
  • VA, Wavetable and FM Synthesis.
  • Two oscillator stacks with 32 oscillators each.
  • Third oscillator and noise generator.
  • Three low-frequency oscillators (LFO).


Synapse DUNE 2 VST boasts a maximum reserve of 8,320 oscillators at full polyphony. This has led to it being described as “a true unison monster” by its creators, who promise that it is unlikely to ever run out of oscillators.

The program also offers zero-delay feedback filters, as well as modulation matrix for synth and FX parameters. An innovative Arpeggiator with MIDI file import is another feature which has excited prospective users, as has two master FX busses which have nine high-quality effects each.

Overall, although DUNE 1 was Synapse’s most popular synth they took a gamble and rewrote the program completely. It’s fair to say that this gamble paid off in style. With better sound quality and a huge range of additional features, Synapse DUNE 2 VST is set to keep Windows users more than satisfied while making music well into the future.



Synapse DUNE 2 VST, 2018 dla Windows
Rozmiar pliku:
36.83 MB
  • Windows 2000,
  • Windows XP,
  • Windows 2003,
  • Windows 8,
  • Windows 98,
  • Windows 7,
  • Windows Vista,
  • Windows 10
Dostępne języki:
  • Polski,
  • Angielski,
  • Niemiecki,
  • Hiszpański,
  • Francuski,
  • Włoski,
  • Japoński,
  • Chiński
Wersja testowa
Dodano datę:
Tuesday, October 2nd 2018
Synapse Audio


Synapse DUNE 2 VST dla PC


Synapse Audio(Wersja testowa)

Ocena użytkownika

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