
Parallels Toolbox dla Windows

Parallels IP Holdings GmbH(Wersja testowa)

Ocena użytkownika

Parallels Toolbox is full to the brim with more than 30 tools in this “lightweight, powerful, all-in-one” application for Mac and Windows. The software creator promises an easy to use and economical experience for the user, combining a wealth of handy features for a fraction of the cost of buying them individually.

The features of this practical program are only complimented by an easy to use interface and a clean drive, which keeps your computer’s storage optimised and free of unimportant data. It will also do background checks to find duplicate files and then free up the extra space available.

Key features include:

  • Screen and video pack.
  • Presentation pack.
  • Capture area/window/screen.
  • Download audio and video.
  • Find duplicates/free memory.
  • Take photo/video.
  • Alarm/ archive/ timer.


You have the option to purchase either the Screen and Video Pack, Presentation Pack, Disk and System Pack or just simply to ‘Get ALL the Parallels Toolbox tools’. Each pack is available on Mac and Windows and boast more than a dozen time-saving tools to help optimise the working day. In fact, Parallels argue that their Toolbox options are perfect for working teams and are simply a ‘must-have’.

The Screen and Video Pack was designed for creative individuals, vloggers, online trainers and small business owners. It allows them the opportunity to create first rate content with one-click tools like Screen Record, Make GIF, Download Audio and Convert a Video.

The Presentation Pack was, of course, designed for students, teachers, presenters and so on. Its main objective is to clean up a presentation and micromanage productivity with time-management tools. Do Not Disturb, Do Not Sleep and Presentation Mode can also help minimise the risk of embarrassing moments.

Finally the Disk and System Pack was created for basic and power users, from small business owners to everyday IT users who need to save space. You can be in complete control of your privacy thanks to Mute Microphone, Disable Camera, Lock Screen and Aeroplane Mode. Clean Drive, Find Duplicates and Free Memory tools will also free up your hard drive.

Overall, each pack – and especially the all-in-one combined Parallels Toolbox – offer easy to use, practical and headache saving tools to revolutionise your working day. With just under 40 handy tools on offer, and more being regularly added during subscriptions, Parallels say that their program can help “unlock endless possibilities”.



Parallels Toolbox, dla Windows
Rozmiar pliku:
34.81 MB
  • Windows 7,
  • Windows 2000,
  • Windows 2003,
  • Windows 8,
  • Windows XP,
  • Windows 10,
  • Windows 98,
  • Windows Vista
Dostępne języki:
  • Polski,
  • Angielski,
  • Niemiecki,
  • Hiszpański,
  • Francuski,
  • Włoski,
  • Japoński,
  • Chiński
Wersja testowa
Dodano datę:
Thursday, January 24th 2019
Parallels IP Holdings GmbH


Parallels Toolbox dla PC

Parallels IP Holdings GmbH(Wersja testowa)

Ocena użytkownika

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