

This plugin has been closed as of 8.7.2024 and is not available for download. This closure is permanent. Reason: Author Request.


Plugin is not working anymore. If you try to connect to Instagram, there is an error message: Insufficient Developer Role: Insufficient developer role So, plugin is not usable at the moment for its purpose if you don’t want to create a developer account at Meta yourself.
I’ve used this plugin before, it worked. But recently, I have to reconnect again, when I connect with the instagram, there is a message popup:Insufficient developer role: Insufficient developer roleI don’t know why.Could it be solved? Thanks.
I l,ove working with the new blossom themes, they have such an array of choices< I can always depend on getting what I need.
I really like the theme I have been using. I also appreciated the customer support even though I did not have the pro version, they still helped when I needed it.
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