Making The Best Software
In The World Even Better

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Success is not just choosing the right software. You need to maximize feature sets, drive adoption, and set up integrations to create the ROI you’ve promised internally.

Faye is your software solutions and optimization partner. We are technology experts, integration builders, strategists, and adoption managers.

Our Company

Some eat steak.
We eat software.

We handle ecosystem complexity and help you configure, integrate, maximize, and adopt software into your business. We make software ROI sexier than it’s supposed to be.

AXIA: Our core offering
Aerial view of building internal

Do the work of 1000 with 100. Software that evolves with you.

Your business is not a snapshot in time but an evolving machine and those changes impact the way you structure teams and get work done. You need your software to adjust and evolve with you, so it doesn’t get left behind.

Our Services
The future of software

The future of software

A State of Play Report by Faye

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Faye Selection Workbook


A Workbook Guide by Faye

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Conversational AI vs Bots: What’s the difference?

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6 Tips to Fix Your Slow SugarCRM and Boost Performance

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5 CRM Features That Will Help You Sell Better

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T&M vs Unlimited Support – Which Plan Is Best for Me?

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