15 results for tag ���distribution���

  1. Promoting your extension or theme

    Promoting your extension or theme So you’ve written a great extension, but only a few people have found and installed it from addons.mozilla.org (AMO)—despite your efforts to create an appealing listing. So, how do you encourage more people to install your extension? This page...


  2. Best practices for updating your extension

    Best practices for updating your extension Almost every extension needs to be updated from time to time, whether that be to correct bugs or add new features. Updating your extension is something that is worth planning methodically, not only to ensure the quality of...


  3. Resources for publishers

    Resources for publishers Now that your add-on is published on addons.mozilla.org (AMO), check out the following resources. Your add-on is subject to review at any time. Get to know the AMO review process and policies. The add-ons team brings you regular news and updates...


  4. Source code submission

    Source code submission To complete the review process at addons.mozilla.org (AMO), reviewers must be able to read the code in your extension. Some build processes render extension code difficult to read. These processes include minifying your code, as well as the use of module...


  5. Updating your extension

    Updating your extension Contents Enabling updates to your extensionManifest structureTesting automatic updating Firefox supports automated updates to add-ons using JSON update manifests. Add-ons hosted on addons.mozilla.org (AMO) automatically receive updates to new versions posted there. Other add-ons must specify the location of their update...


  6. Add-ons for desktop apps

    Sideloading add-ons You may want to send a user your add-on’s XPI file by some means other than a web download, such as an email distribution of a beta version for user testing. In this case, there are two practical options for installing the...


  7. Add-ons for desktop apps

    Add-ons for desktop apps Starting with Firefox 74, it is no longer be possible to have an extension be automatically installed as part of another application install. See the Add-ons Blog for more information. If you have developed an add-on to complement a desktop...


  8. Monitoring extension usage statistics

    Monitoring extension usage statistics Learn how to use the built-in dashboard on addons.mozilla.org (AMO) to monitor usage statistics for your extension. Contents Accessing the statistics dashboardTracking external sourcesAdd-on listing example Developers can use the statistics dashboard feature on addons.mozilla.org (AMO) to find more information...


  9. Package your extension

    Package your extension During development, your extension will consist of a directory containing a manifest.json file and the other files the extension needs—scripts, icons, HTML documents, and so on. You need to zip these into a single file for uploading to AMO. Packaged extensions...


  10. Make money from browser extensions

    Make money from browser extensions While users can download browser extensions for Firefox free of cost from addons.mozilla.org (AMO), this doesn’t mean you can’t make money from browser extensions, and to a more limited extent themes. This article reviews your options for generating revenue...


  11. Distributing an add-on yourself

    Distributing an add-on yourself Contents Self-distribution options You aren't required to list or distribute your add-on through addons.mozilla.org (AMO); you can distribute it yourself. However, before distributing your add-on yourself, here are some things you should consider: AMO is a very popular distribution platform,...


  12. Onboard, upboard, offboard users

    Best practices for onboarding, upboarding, and offboarding users The first few minutes after someone installs your extension can be critical to its success. Your new user needs to know where to start and how to use the features of your browser extension. Contents OnboardingUpboardingOffboarding...


  13. Enterprise distribution

    Enterprise distribution As an enterprise IT administrator, you may want to install add-ons automatically for your users. This page discusses the options. Contents Signed vs. unsigned extensionsUsing an ExtensionSettings policyBundling add-ons with a custom Firefox Signed vs. unsigned extensions All add-ons must be signed...


  14. Firefox version compatibility

    Firefox version compatibility Learn how to customize your extension's Firefox version compatibility settings on addons.mozilla.org and when to use this feature. Contents Version compatibilityThe `browser_specific_settings` keyAMO compatibility settingRecommendations Version compatibility Version compatibility controls let you manage which versions of Firefox can install your extension....


  15. Signing and distribution overview

    Signing and distributing your add-on Add-ons need to be signed before they can be installed into release and beta versions of Firefox. This signing process takes place through addons.mozilla.org (AMO), whether you choose to distribute your add-on through AMO or to do it yourself....
