We have included a list FAQ’s that we see on a daily basis. If we did not capture one of your questions please feel free to contact us.

What can the Event Team help with?

  1. Conduct comprehensive event planning for complex events, including design, development, coordination, implementation and post-event analyses.
  2. Plan and manage a wide variety of events, from small to large-scale.
  3. Coordinate the timeline of all major events, assuring effective flow and delivery.
  4. Contribute to and participate in long-range unit event planning
  5. Maintain effective relationships with a wide variety of vendors and campus officials
  6. Work with Campus police for security and all permits.
  7. Work with transportation for parking and parking permits.
  8. Negotiate with hotels and have all forms approved and signed by the appropriate campus office.

What are the per-person limits if we want a breakfast, lunch, dinner or light refreshments?

  1. The established per-person limits when entertaining (Breakfast $28; Lunch $49; Dinner $85; Light refreshment $20). If you anticipate needing to go over the limits, a completed Exceptional Entertainment Expense Request (click here to review) is needed prior to the event. Our team can complete this once you have sent over your Event Request to our team. Please note, Entertainment requests that exceed the approved campus limits are being closely scrutinized by the campus. The policy requires that the expense is approved prior to incurring the costs.

Are you able to arrange a business meetings at a local restaurant and pay for it in advance so the guests do not incur any cost?

  1. Yes, please fill out the Event Request Form by clicking here along with all required information and we can take care of the rest for you.

Entertainment Checklist

  1. Event Date
  2. Event Type
  3. Alcohol – verify non-restricted fund source
  4. Explicit business purpose
  5. Written justification for exceptional circumstances (e.g. exceeding per person limits, spousal attendance, etc.)
  6. Appropriate account code to reflect event type
  7. Date on receipt should match event type
  8. Itemized receipts
  9. Amount claimed on report should match receipt total listed on report
  10. Guest list – name and number of attendees
  11. Host signature
  12. Approval signature – non exceptional
  13. Direct payments to vendors (e.g., caterers, etc) – use of entertainment purchase order
  14. Use of appropriate funding source
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