Empowering people across society to create a net-zero world

We’re a major philanthropic initiative working with 700+ partners to catalyse climate action and build a better future. Our vision is a greener, more peaceful and democratic Europe made possible by climate action.

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Partner organisations




European country teams


Years of proven impact


2023 annual report: Forging a green, democratic and peaceful future for all

Our 2023 annual report presents our network’s key achievements over the past year, new learnings to catalyse collective impact, and our vision for the future. 2023 not only tested our resilience but also underscored the critical importance of our mission,…

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Fast heat pump roll-out will unlock big socio-economic and climate benefits

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine and unprecedented energy price hikes, Europe has known more than ever that it needs to wean itself off expensive, polluting and volatile fossil fuels. Europe’s buildings are big gas customers accounting for 40% of…

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Our priorities

We focus on eight interconnected ‘big bets’ to solve the climate and nature crises.

Fossil-free energy

European and national just transitions


Europe in the World


Citizen engagement and cultural change

Clean transport solutions

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Europe’s industrial transformation

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Shifting the financial system

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Land, food and nature

Our partnerships

From local citizens’ assemblies to global policy research, we empower organisations that are accelerating climate solutions in Europe and around the world. Learn more about the partnerships that make this possible.

Our funding partners

Latest stories & insights

Fossil free energy
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A growing European movement for a community-driven energy transition

To achieve our climate goals, Europe needs to deploy massive amounts of renewable energy over the next ten years. Yet clean energy projects risk major delays or cancellations from community pushback, a trend that’s entirely preventable if communities are adequately…

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European & national just transitions

Upholding climate action in the European elections

In just a few days, voters in the EU will head to the ballot box to elect the next European Parliament. The outcome of these elections will have a big influence over the level of political ambition that will exist…

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Land, food & nature

A fairer future for farmers is a greener future

Addressing the inequities at the heart of our food system is necessary for both farmers and climate action European farmers have been taking to the streets to protest untenable levels of hardship. From increasing production costs and administrative burden to…

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