Cracking the TBR pile

Morning gang

(insert appropriate time-related greeting here)

Well, we got through the first week in January. Well done everyone. Quick catchup on the bookish situation so far:

Books read: 4
  • Halfway House, by Helen Fitzgerald (Orenda Books, ebook ARC)
  • The Drift, by CJ Tudor (own copy, kindle)
  • Spook Street, by Mick Herron (John Murray, hard copy ARC)
  • You Can Run, by Trevor Wood (own copy, kindle)

Spook Street was a late choice, but I’d just finished watching series 3 of the excellent Slow Horses on Apple TV and they had a trailer for series 4 and I was all ooh can’t wait, then realised I had book 4 on the shelves, so read that. Jolly good it was too.

The Drift was one I’d been meaning to read since hearing CJ Tudor talk about it at Bay Tales last year. Spotted it on sale so snapped it up. Really enjoyed it, review incoming.

You Can Run was recommended to me by Dan Stubbings over on Twitter (cheers Dan!) and was another fast-paced thriller. Great stuff.

Bit of a crime/thriller start to the year, it seems.

Books reviewed: 2
  • Halfway House, by Helen Fitzgerald (Orenda Books, ebook ARC)
  • Yule Island, by Johana Gustawsson (Orenda Books, ebook ARC)
Books purchased: 4
  • The Drift, by CJ Tudor (kindle)
  • A Rising Man, by Abir Mukherjee (kindle)
  • Never Saw Me Coming, by Vera Kurian (pbk)
  • True Crime Story, by Joseph Knox (pbk, Waterstones sale)

Ah, that pesky Waterstone’s sale. Oops. Again, full of crime/thriller books.

Currently reading:
  • Never Saw Me Coming, by Vera Kurian (pbk)
  • Gideon The Ninth, by Tamsyn Muir (Audible audiobook)

I’ve read Gideon The Ninth before in hardback when it first came out and loved it. I was casting about for a new audiobook and someone said the narrator on this is fantastic. They were right. Moira Quirk is just absolutely superb and nails the snark of Gideon and Harrow to a tee. I’ve got about four hours left of this near 17 hour book and would happily listen to it for longer. Oh wait, they also do Harrow The Ninth and Nona The Ninth? Splendid. I have the hardbacks, but the audio is just SO GOOD.

So the TBR reduction project is at net zero this week. It’s early days though

How’s your January reading going?

Author: dave

Book reviewer, occasional writer, photographer, coffee-lover, cyclist, spoon carver and stationery geek.

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