Industria manufacturera

Castellbisbal, Barcelona 106.684 seguidores

Transformamos el presente. Fortalecemos el mañana

Sobre nosotros

CELSA™ is the largest Spanish-owned steel company and the second largest European long products producer. The multinational consists of eight large business groups with steel producers, rolling mills, processing plants, distribution companies and recycling centers. With more than 9,600 employees worldwide and with an industrial presence in Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Norway, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom. We strive to be leaders in providing solutions for our clients around steel. Our purpose is to be an interdependent organization regarding safety, customer centered, innovative, profitable and operationally excellent. We believe in: - Our people, their safety, determination, talent and commitment. - Continuous improvement and innovation of all our activities and processes. - Managing and operating our business in an ethical, environmental and socially responsible way. Honesty, Humility, Creative Perseverance, Groundbreaking Approach, Teamwork and Passion are the values that define us.

Sitio web
Industria manufacturera
Tamaño de la empresa
Más de 10.001 empleados
Castellbisbal, Barcelona
De financiación privada
steel long products, reinforcing bars, heavy sections, merchant bars, wire rod, pc-strand, electrowelded mesh, tubes, cut&bend, lattice girders y billets


  • Principal

    c/ Ferralla, 12

    Pol. Ind. San Vicente s/n

    Castellbisbal, Barcelona 08755, ES

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Empleados en CELSA GROUP


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    106.684 seguidores

    ✨ Hoy marcamos el inicio de una nueva era en Celsa. Presentamos al mundo nuestra nueva identidad corporativa, inspirada en aquello que nos hace únicos y nos impulsa a avanzar sin límites. Junto a todo nuestro equipo, y con un enfoque centrado en la sostenibilidad, reafirmamos nuestro compromiso en fortalecer el futuro que nos une. 🌍🤝 🔗 Descubre más sobre nuestra transformación y visita nuestra nueva web: https://lnkd.in/de7xwNV -- ✨Today marks the begininning of a new era at Celsa. We've given our corporate identity a full revamp pulling inspiration from what makes us unique and what drives us to move forward without limits. From our team to our sustainability approach, we reaffirm our commitment to stengthen the future thats unites us.🌍🤝 🔗 Discover more about our transformation and visit our new website: https://lnkd.in/de7xwNV

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    106.684 seguidores

    ✨ Discover Celsa's Sectors ✨. At Celsa, we operate in various sectors offering high quality steel products and solutions that meet the highest industrial standards. We start with the construction sector, where steel fabrication for infrastructure is one of the highest demands worldwide. Steel stands out for its hardness, ductility and durability, making it one of the most widely used structural materials in the construction of infrastructure and buildings. At Celsa, we are firmly committed to sustainable and efficient construction, ensuring a better and environmentally friendly future for generations to come. Keep getting to know the rest of the sectors that we will be sharing! 🔗 Visit our website for more information: https://lnkd.in/de7xwNV

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    106.684 seguidores

    At Celsa, we not only produce high quality steel, but we also efficiently manage our co-products. Both elements are central to our sustainability and circular economy strategy. ✅Products: We recycle ferrous scrap to produce steel in electric arc furnaces, using the most sustainable and environmentally and energy efficient technology. 👉Co-Products: We have identified new industrial uses and reuse of these materials in steelmaking. 📊 More than 90% of our waste is reused, recycled, recovered or valorized. 🌿 We contribute significantly to the circular economy and environmental sustainability. Our mission is clear: to produce steel sustainably and manage our co-products to create a positive impact on the environment. 🔗 Find out more about our products and co-products on our website: https://lnkd.in/de7xwNV

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    106.684 seguidores

    CELSA GROUP & Euro-Steel Danmark A/S reach a major milestone with the sale of 1.500 tonnes of CCS Clean Energy Beams.   This accomplishment advances sustainable construction in the Nordics, thanks to the low carbon footprint of our beams.   By making low-carbon sections readily available from local stock, we support customers in Denmark and beyond to take a significant step towards a greener future. 🌱🏢   Innovation thrives on collaboration. Together, we're building a path towards sustainable construction, one beam at a time. 🤝✨   Ready to build green? Learn more about our low-carbon steel and how you can join the movement.   Powering progress with sustainable steel: https://lnkd.in/dPcWtMPe    #Innovation #GreenFuture #SteelRecycling #CircularEconomy #Sustainability ♻️🔋

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    106.684 seguidores

    🌱✨ Presentamos "Compromisos Celsa" ✨🌱 En Celsa Group, la circularidad es el corazón de nuestra estrategia de sostenibilidad. Transformamos los residuos de nuestro proceso siderúrgico en recursos útiles para reducir nuestro impacto ambiental. La economía circular es fundamental para abordar el agotamiento de recursos y el cambio climático. Nos enorgullece liderar iniciativas que cumplen con los estándares ambientales más estrictos y crean nuevas oportunidades económicas. Continuamos innovando en tecnologías sostenibles y gestión eficiente de recursos, avanzando hacia un futuro más verde y sostenible. ¡Sigue conociendo más compromisos que iremos compartiendo! - 🌱✨ Introducing the "Celsa Commitments" ✨🌱 At Celsa Group, circularity is at the heart of our sustainability strategy. We transform waste from our steelmaking process into useful resources to reduce our environmental impact. The circular economy is fundamental to addressing resource depletion and climate change. We are proud to lead initiatives that meet the highest environmental standards and create new economic opportunities. We continue to innovate in sustainable technologies and efficient resource management, moving toward a greener, more sustainable future. Stay tuned for more commitments as we share them!

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    106.684 seguidores

    🤝 We are pleased to announce our collaboration with BCB Informática y Control and Mapsi Photonics con la coordinación de secpho como clúster de #DeepTech, to monitor steelmaking processes in real time using thermal cameras #SILICONEYE 👌 This initiative, financed by NextGeneration EU funds through the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, aims to digitize and optimize the steel industry. 📊This project will not only improve efficiency and reduce energy consumption, but will also enable safer and more sustainable production. 🔍 Real-time monitoring of processes will allow us to detect and correct manufacturing defects instantly, ensuring the best conditions for our workers and the environment. 💡 Innovation by CELSA Group 🇪🇸 🇫🇷

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    106.684 seguidores

    🌟 Today, we're excited to share our project in collaboration with UPC - ETSETB Telecos BCN🌍🚀. As part of our ongoing quest for innovation and sustainability, we have joined forces with the fourth-year students in their Advanced Engineering Project. 👩🎓👨🎓 The team, formed by 7 talented students, designed and developed an initial Proof of Concept from scratch. This tool allows us to rapidly calculate and evaluate environmental KPIs through a user-friendly digital interface. 📊 💡 The 4-month journey culminated in a presentation at our facilities, where they showcased their final solution. 🏢🎉 🤝 This collaboration not only offers a valuable opportunity for innovation and creativity but also reflects our commitment to education, research, and sustainable development. 🌱📚

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    106.684 seguidores

    ¿Conoces todos los proyectos de innovación de Celsa? Impulsamos el desarrollo y la integración de nuevas soluciones para alcanzar nuestra visión de un futuro NET POSITIVE. 👌 Nuestra estrategia de innovación se basa en 4️⃣ pilares: 🌍 Energía y Emisiones: Reducimos nuestro impacto ambiental con tecnologías avanzadas. ♻️ Circularidad: Promovemos un modelo de economía circular, minimizando residuos y maximizando la reutilización de materiales. 💻 Digitalización: Adoptamos las últimas innovaciones digitales para optimizar nuestros procesos y mejorar la eficiencia. 👥 Personas: Fomentamos el talento y la colaboración, trabajando juntos para un futuro sostenible. La innovación en Celsa es una tarea colaborativa. Gracias a poderosos consorcios y el apoyo de autoridades públicas en toda Europa, estas excelentes ideas se están convirtiendo en realidad. 🌐 👇 ¡Descubre nuestros proyectos de innovación! Visita el nuevo apartado en nuestra web y descubre en profundidad cada uno de nuestros proyectos y cómo estamos transformando la industria del acero 👇

    Proyectos de innovación - CELSA Group

    Proyectos de innovación - CELSA Group


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    106.684 seguidores

    📢 ¡Estamos emocionados de compartir una gran noticia! Celsa se ha adherido a REDI.LGBTI, la Red Empresarial por la Diversidad e Inclusión LGBTI 🌈🤝 REDI es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro que trabaja incansablemente para promover una sociedad española más respetuosa y diversa. Su misión es fomentar la no discriminación, la igualdad de oportunidades y la tolerancia, visibilizando e incluyendo a todas las personas, sin importar su orientación sexual, identidad o expresión de género. Hoy, en el marco del Día Internacional del Orgullo LGBTBI 🏳️🌈, estamos orgullosos de recibir este diploma que reconoce nuestro compromiso con la diversidad y la inclusión. En Celsa, creemos firmemente que la diversidad nos fortalece y nos enriquece como sociedad y como empresa. Seguiremos trabajando para crear un entorno en el que todos se sientan respetados y valorados. 👌 ¿Quieres saber que otras grandes empresas se suman? 👉 https://lnkd.in/dvxmk-V

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    106.684 seguidores

    👥 Celsa ha celebrado hoy su Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas en la sede de Castellbisbal. La Junta se ha reunido para aprobar las cuentas anuales del ejercicio 2023 y el nombramiento de dos nuevos consejeros. 📝📊 ¡Gracias a todos nuestros accionistas y equipo por su continuo apoyo y compromiso con el crecimiento y la sostenibilidad de Celsa! 🌍💼 Para más detalles sobre lo tratado en la Junta, consulta la NDP en nuestra web👇

    Celsa celebra su Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas en la sede de Castellbisbal - Celsa Group

    Celsa celebra su Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas en la sede de Castellbisbal - Celsa Group


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