LDE Seminar Series

All are welcome to attend the Lithosphere & Deep Earth program’s weekly seminars.

These talks are on Wednesdays at 12pm CST in JGB 3.222.

The LDE Seminar Series for 2023-2024 is managed by Wade Aubin and Lucia Bellino. Please email lucia.bellino@utexas.edu or wade.aubin@utexas.edu for additional information.

Please see below for the schedule this semester.

17-JanNo LDE — Semester Start
24- JanMarc Cloos (UT Austin)Subduction zones:  Shear zones and earthquakes
(What are subduction channels?)
JGB 3.222
7-FebEd Clennett (UT Austin)Reconciling Baja-BC and flat Shatsky conjugate subduction beneath the western U.S.JGB 3.222
14-FebAlice Turner (UTIG)Across-Slab Propagation and Low Stress Drops of Deep Earthquakes in the Kuril Subduction ZoneJGB 3.222
28-FebEthan Conrad (PhD Talk)The Role of Erosion in the Structural Evolution of Oblique Convergent SystemsJGB 3.222
6-MarHuiwen Sun / Soraya Alfred (UTIG)How does numerical modeling help us better understand the rupture behavior of the Alpine Fault, New Zealand? / Development of Numerical Model for the Post-Impact Hydrothermal System at Chicxulub CraterJGB 3.222
13-MarNo LDE — Spring Break
27-MarChen Sun (UT Austin)Building a MAGEC recipe to decode the magma-fluid coupleJGB 3.222
3-AprWade Aubin (PhD Talk)Thermal Evolution and Air Entrainment in Fast-moving Pyroclastic Density CurrentsJGB 3.222
10-AprGeorge Segee-Wright (PhD Talk)Controls on Halogen Distribution in the Lithospheric MantleJGB 3.222
17-AprMolly Zebker (PhD Talk)Links Between Fluid Injection Production and Surface Deformation: A Scalable InSAR Processing Strategy Applied to Three Texas BasinsJGB 3.222
24-AprStephanie Forstner (PhD Talk)Scale Dependent Fracture Networks in the Context of Sandstone DiagenesisJGB 3.222