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You might need to get screened for cancer earlier than you think

The cancer screening guidelines you follow are likely outdated, according to health workers serving communities in the Bronx and Queens. Growing research has led to recommendations to screen earlier for certain cancers. But people might be following the old guidelines—or worse, not even thinking about screening because they’re so young. For example, colorectal cancer rates…

A mental health response system that’s hard to parse

Our co-founder S. Mitra Kalita wrote last week about an incident that galvanized the Bangladeshi community and police accountability advocates around the city: the NYPD killing of 19-year-old Win Rozario, a teen who had apparently called the police during an episode of acute mental distress and was then shot by responding officers when he brandished…

Fake solar eclipse glasses can cause permanent eye damage

If you’re planning to watch the solar eclipse on April 8, ensure your solar eclipse glasses aren’t fakes. Uncertified glasses are flooding the market, and ophthalmologists warn that using them could cause permanent eye damage. This happened to one New Yorker after the 2017 solar eclipse. Mount Sinai Hospital says one of their patients watched…

The truth behind the “Asian gambler” stereotype

As Mets owner Steve Cohen’s proposal to build a casino and entertainment complex at Citi Field is in limbo, some community advocates are questioning whether the harms outweigh the benefits. You may remember tense moments during the February casino town hall when two different residents questioned the casino’s proximity to Flushing’s Asian American community, saying…

Gaza is taking a toll on diaspora communities’ mental health

Dr. Lama Khouri, a Palestinian psychoanalyst, sees patients having trouble eating and sleeping right now. “They’re just shocked by the sadism,” said Dr. Khouri, who is also the clinical supervisor of the Arab-American Family Support Center, which has several offices throughout New York City. Diaspora communities across the boroughs struggle with their mental health as…


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