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As a New York City public school teacher, you have the unique power to change lives and make a real difference. This video is sponsored by

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The power to impact young people’s lives lies right here in NYC—as a public school teacher. Nicole Perrino, the Bronx Mama, shares how her daughter’s diverse set of teachers and public school experience supported her path to college. This video is sponsored by

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Humans vs. machines: How language workers are resisting AI

When Julie Tay first worked as a freelance interpreter in New York in the 1990s, language services didn’t formally exist as an industry, even in our city of immigrants. It was tied to the dominance of an English-speaking, “white-bread” America, she says, one where immigrants were expected to eventually assimilate to survive. The idea was…

Primary responsibility: The high stakes of NYC’s primaries explained

Starting this Saturday, you can begin early voting in New York’s primaries. Hold on, hold on, we can hear you groaning, but hear us out. These are important. We harp on this every time election season rolls around, but it bears repeating that for a  good number of NYC races, the primary election is fundamentally…

What old-school immigrants are getting wrong about new waves of immigration

The irony of President Biden’s executive action closing the U.S. border is that it might help his image among Latino voters. That’s because, as we’ve repeatedly reported, there frequently exist rifts between long-time immigrants and more recent arrivals, with the former claiming they came in the “right way.” That being said, there’s also frustration among…


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