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Chenmunka's user avatar
Chenmunka's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Wiltshire, England
8 votes

Would 'sitting in a queue' be incorrect English?

8 votes

Why in Britain do we stop for a 'coffee', but a 'cup of tea'?

8 votes

How to read “A = (πr)²” so as not to mistake it for “A = πr²”

8 votes

What do you call it when it's not raining, but the atmosphere causes everything to be wet?

8 votes

What does "off you go" mean?

8 votes

Is there an adjective for having and spitting lots of saliva, especially in a state of wild, raging abandon?

8 votes

I know some hearty folk, Whose party jokes pretending to hunt with the Quorn

7 votes

Use of the word 'off' to indicate a quantity

7 votes

Word for a short promotional video

7 votes

Train Station vs. Railway Station

7 votes

‘pescatarian’: synonyms & etymology

6 votes

Name for a device purposefully put together from faulty parts

6 votes

"emmet-butt" - Westcountry dialect

6 votes

Should I use interchangable terms in academic writing?

6 votes

Stag party vs. Bachelor party

6 votes

What is the small room most businesses have at their entrance called?

6 votes

What's the English equivalent to the German "Manufaktur"?

6 votes

"Buy the farm" meaning

6 votes

difference between progress ON and progress OF

6 votes

Adjective for text that is difficult to understand

6 votes

Word meaning "of or relating to trains"

6 votes

What Are Some Pejorative Terms for the Words "Boat" or "Ship"?

6 votes

A word for a car that always breaks down and may need to be replaced

5 votes

What do you call a pupil who goes somewhere else in name of going to school?

5 votes

Which does English “l” and “r” sound come under, an allophone or different phonemes?

5 votes

Hypernyms for directions

5 votes

Word/phrase to describe something popular due to its availability

5 votes

Word for things separated by one, i.e. next to consecutive

5 votes

Which phrase do you use to describe someone trying to do a thing that might/should be done better by you?

4 votes

Synonym for "from the trenches"

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