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A set of forms taken by a verb to indicate the time and/or completeness and continuance of the action in relation to the time of the utterance.

1 vote

Of the subjects in our experiment, 50% are/were male

The quick way to answer this question is to look at what other papers in your field do. But, most likely, they will use the past tense. My copy of the Publication Manual of the American Psychologica …
Azor Ahai -him-'s user avatar
2 votes

“The show was one of the dullest we have ever seen” – tense consistency

The tenses are perfectly fine: The show was: Naturally, the show has finished, and was in the past. You can say "The show began (PAST) at 9:00," "The show starred (PAST) my uncle Bernard." …
Azor Ahai -him-'s user avatar