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11 votes
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Word for nonce antonyms formed by reversing idioms

Someone recently used "on-limits" to describe something that was allowed, i.e. not "off-limits." The same person subsequently described unplugging something as "plugging it ...
Andrew's user avatar
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2 answers

Inspiration catalyst? Looking for a term that describes seemingly out of the blue inspiration

I'm looking for a term for a curious situation that I've found myself in a couple of times. A person discusses a new concept/invention. I am a part of that conversation or simply overhear it. I ...
Lamar Latrell's user avatar
20 votes
8 answers

What’s the English for “democrature”, a dictatorship pretending to be a democracy through fraudulent elections?

The French term democrature (from democratie + dictature) is defined as: Dictature déguisée en démocratie par l’organisation d’élections non libres, contrôlées et/ou frauduleuses. Par extension, tout ...
Gio's user avatar
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Practice of splitting a web article in many chunks

Some sites have the (execrable) custom of splitting a web article in many small chunks. Example: the article starting at is divided in 38 chunks. In each ...
Martín-Blas Pérez Pinilla's user avatar
-1 votes
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Has a term emerged yet as the main one to refer to people who insist that COVID 19 is not real? [closed]

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has a couple of acquaintances on Facebook telling us how we're all being fooled and that COVID-19 is not real, or is just an average flu, etc. Are people already ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Need a word or expression that represents a category that is the superset of mind, consciousness, experiences, choices, intentions, spirit, etc

I am looking for a word (or expression/phrase), existing if possible or coined-for-the-purpose neologism if not, that represents the all-inclusive superset of a variety of related concepts and ...
user2330237's user avatar
4 votes
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Is anyone aware of any recent neologisms to supercede "spinster" or "old maid" that have arisen?

I'm interested to see if, in fact, there are any new words in use from around the English-speaking world to replace the odious terms 'Spinster' and 'Old Maid'. I'm not referring to the term "unmarried ...
Lida Hall's user avatar
4 votes
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A word to describe "political buyer's remorse"

Numbers (from 2015) show over 3.5 million people in the UK signed a petition to “do over” the Brexit Referendum. Interestingly, the "do-over" Google question coupled with “What is the EU?” ...
Cascabel_StandWithUkraine_'s user avatar
35 votes
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Is there a pre-Internet term for "gamification"?

Gamification is a relatively new term which was coined and has been made highly popular in the Internet era. From the related Wikipedia article: Though the term "gamification" was coined in 2002 ...
BiscuitBoy's user avatar
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6 votes
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What is the term for finding your own question?

So, I have a technical problem and I Google for an answer. The first result I find is on Stack Exchange, and the person is asking the same question. So I immediately try to like the question... and am ...
CigarDoug's user avatar
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11 votes
10 answers

Non-pejorative word/phrase for "social justice warrior"

The term "social justice warrior" appears to have been coined as a pejorative term, and Urban Dictionary defines it thus: A pejorative term for an individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages ...
March Ho's user avatar
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Term for Making a New Word that is the Same Part of Speech as its Root

Recently, I've been noticing that in casual speech people often unwittingly create new words from standard English words that are (a) of the same part of speech as the standard word and (b) meant to ...
Geoffrey's user avatar
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13 votes
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What do you call someone who is addicted to a Q&A website?

I was looking for a term for someone who is addicted to a Q&A website but I came up with general terms like nethead, cybernaut, netizen, internet addict etc. You can think of adjectives like ...
ermanen's user avatar
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17 votes
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What do you call a Q&A user who posts a question but never checks back?

I have searched for a term that describes users who post questions and then disappear without trace. These users will post and write their questions in a great flurry, sometimes ignoring the basic ...
Mari-Lou A's user avatar
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Is there a term for coining a phrase for a word that already exists?

Usually a new term emerges and it becomes necessary to add a qualification to an old word for disambiguation. examples: "mono sound" versus "stereo sound" "analog watch"...
Centaurus's user avatar
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