I want to find a single academic-sounding word that means: "containing no electric parts" or "containing no electronic components"

I originally thought "analog" would work here, but after double checking the definition, I have reconsidered.

I can easily think of a few examples, but the naming convention does not seem universal. Take:

electric drill > hand drill

mower > push mower (antique)

In contrast to the above, I want a word that can be applied to any object.

Here is a sentence I had in mind:

Automobiles manufactured before the 1980's are typically _________.

  • 1
    I can’t find a definitive reference, but to me mechanical suggests a simpler, electrics-free device.
    – JonLarby
    Commented Apr 28, 2018 at 11:08

1 Answer 1


free of electronics




However, none of these work with your car example

Automobiles manufactured before the 1980's are typically _________.

because cars included electric starters since the '20s.

It seems you are referring to computers or semiconductors, so you could say



  • 1
    Not to mention spark plugs!
    – Phil Sweet
    Commented Apr 28, 2018 at 12:31

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