I worked at the same company for 4 years as a summer job between November and January on every year. I am graduating and I would like to write it into my CV/Resume because I don't really have a rich work experience in other area and the skills that I learnt from there are particular useful and relevant to the career that I want to get in.

Would it be inappropriate to just put 2013-2017 in my work experience ?

What is the most suitable way to express this ?

2 Answers 2


Writing just 2013–2017 implies at least three complete years, so that's not the thing to put down.

Even "2013–2017 (Nov–Jan)" as has been suggested is not entirely clear. Does it mean November 2013 to January 2017? If it requires thought to tease out, it's not going to help on a CV.

I'd suggest being explicit, using the phrase seasonal work or summer work:

2013–2017 Hop-picking with Grobeer Pty (Seasonal work November to January)

  • And sorry for not voting up your answer because I don't have enough reputation.
    – Phantom
    Commented Feb 2, 2017 at 12:37

I would just say

2013-2017 (Nov-Jan)

If you write


that could be seen as misleading

  • Thank you, I am also considering to add a extra sentence about this
    – Phantom
    Commented Feb 2, 2017 at 10:33

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