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This is similar to this questionthis question, but not quite the same. There are quite a few words which have totally different meanings in American and British English and which are likely to cause confusion when heard by non-local speakers. What are they?

We are looking for the same word with different meanings (for example jumper), and not words which are different between the two dialects (for example truck and lorry).

This is similar to this question, but not quite the same. There are quite a few words which have totally different meanings in American and British English and which are likely to cause confusion when heard by non-local speakers. What are they?

We are looking for the same word with different meanings (for example jumper), and not words which are different between the two dialects (for example truck and lorry).

This is similar to this question, but not quite the same. There are quite a few words which have totally different meanings in American and British English and which are likely to cause confusion when heard by non-local speakers. What are they?

We are looking for the same word with different meanings (for example jumper), and not words which are different between the two dialects (for example truck and lorry).

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What words have Words with different meanings in USAmerican and British English?

SimilarThis is similar to this question, but not quite the same. There are, I think, quite a few words which have totally different meanings in English and American and British English and which are likely to cause confusion when heard by non-local speakers. What are they?

Note: notWe are looking for the same word with different meanings (for example jumper), and not words which are different between the two dialects (ex: truck vs lorry)for example -- looking for the same word with different meaningstruck and (ex: jumperlorry).

What words have different meanings in US and British English?

Similar to this question, but not quite the same. There are, I think, quite a few words which have totally different meanings in English and American and which are likely to cause confusion when heard by non-local speakers. What are they?

Note: not looking for words which are different between the two dialects (ex: truck vs lorry) -- looking for the same word with different meanings (ex: jumper).

Words with different meanings in American and British English

This is similar to this question, but not quite the same. There are quite a few words which have totally different meanings in American and British English and which are likely to cause confusion when heard by non-local speakers. What are they?

We are looking for the same word with different meanings (for example jumper), and not words which are different between the two dialects (for example truck and lorry).

Post Made Community Wiki by RegDwigнt
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