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Subnautica Cover

Subnautica is an action adventure game developed and published by Unknown Worlds Entertainment. Players control a non-essential systems maintenance chief, often referred to as the janitor inside the Subnautica community, who is the only survivor of a spaceship crash on an alien planet. They are free to explore the oceanic planet. The main objectives are to find essential resources, survive the local flora and fauna, and find a way to escape. It includes some elements of survival games and some elements of non-survival games.



Quotations from the main story-mode characters


  • You have suffered minor head trauma, this is considered an optimal outcome. This PDA has now rebooted in emergency mode with one directive: to keep you alive on an alien world. Please refer to the databank for detailed survival advice, good luck.
  • The Aurora suffered orbital hull failure, cause: Unknown. Zero human life signs detected.
  • Life on this planet grows in unusually distinct and diverse ecological biomes, Further study recommended.

Degasi Survivors

  • This is the first time I've seen sunlight in months, after all that time in the deep I'd been dreaming of it. Now that I'm back here, I'm finding it hard to enjoy alone. Father was right: We should never have left this place. We shouldn't have gone so deep. They do not want us down there. Despite my best efforts, ill health is taking hold of me, the visions are getting worse. Father is now part of the ecosystem of this incredible planet. It's reassuring to know that, when I go, I'll join them. Until then, well, there is always the view.

Avery Quinn

  • This is Avery Quinn, of trading ship sunbeam, Aurora do you read? Over. Nothing but vacuum... these Alterra ships, they run low on engine grease, They send an SOS; you offer to help, they don't pick up. Aurora, im out on the far side of Andromeda, it's going to take more than a week to reach your position do you still need our assistance? Over. I'll try them again tommorow, damn Charter's going to have us blowing our credits running errands for Alterra.
  • Aurora, this is Sunbeam again. We just picked up a massive debris field at your location. I didn't how bad... how many of you.. I didn't know. We are now on route to your location, we're going to take you home. What else can I say? The only time I parked a rig this big on a rock that small was in VR, and I blew it - It's a bad option alright, but so are all the others. Sunbeam out.
  • Survivor, we see you! Man, I don't know how you held out down there! We have broken atmosphere and we're descending towards the landing site. Is that a building down there? What do you mean you can't identify it? Hold on, no turning back now... positions everyone! It's coming from the building? Change course, set thrusters to full!

Sea Emperor Leviathan

  • What... are... you?
  • Come here... to me.
  • I am what you seek... want to, help you.
  • Are you here to play? Others came here once, they built these walls, they played alone, they bored me. Now, they're gone, and instead we have you. We are curious whether you swim with the current... or fight against it as they did.
  • If you help us, I will give you freely what the others tried in vain to take.
  • Sea Emperor Leviathan My Young are swimming for the shallows, their freedom is my end, what will it be like I wonder... to go to sleep and never wake up? Perhaps next we meet I will be a ocean current... carrying seeds to new land... or a creature so small that it sees the gaps between the grains of sand... farewell, friend.
  • What is a wave without an Ocean? A Beginning without an End? They are different, but they go together. Now you go among the stars, and I fall among the sand, we are different, but we go together. Farewell, friend.
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