Mortal Kombat X

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Mortal Kombat X is a fighting game that is a sequel to Mortal Kombat (2011). It was released by NetherRealm Studios, also known for creating the Injustice franchise.



Fight Intros

Kung Lao: Sonya Blade.
Sonya Blade: Remember we're friends, Kung Lao.
Kung Lao: This is just friendly sparring.
Cassie Cage: Jumbo, fun size.
Ferra: Stomp and Smash, Torr!
Cassie Cage: Guess the fun's over.
Sub-Zero: Kotal Kahn...
Kotal Kahn: Sub-Zero...
Sub-Zero: Your death is required.
Johnny Cage: Ice to see ya!
Sub-Zero: Must everything be a joke?!
Johnny Cage: Yeah, It does...
Jax: Step off, Raiden.
Raiden: Ever the model of restraint.
Jax: Comments like that don't help.
Sub-Zero: Again we meet.
Scorpion: Again, and always...
Sub-Zero: Again you will suffer.
Shinnok: Jacqueline Briggs.
Jacqui Briggs: Gonna break your pasty face.
Shinnok: You are welcome to try.
Kuai Liang: How many souls do you harbor?
Ermac: We wield the might of thousands.
Kuai Liang: Yet you have no heart...
Raiden: Where have you been, Kung Lao?
Kung Lao: Training in seclusion.
Raiden: Show me what you have learned.
Sub-Zero: Kung Jin.
Kung Jin: Ready to throw down?
Sub-Zero: Yes, I believe I am.
Kotal Kahn: What is the meaning of this?
Kano: Time to die, Emperor.
Kotal Kahn: You strike no fear in me.
Ermac: Jackson Briggs.
Jax: What do you want, freak?
Ermac: Your death.
Reptile: You dare approach me!?
Johnny Cage: Despite the smell.
Reptile: You will be my latest victim!
Raiden: You were a son to me.
Liu Kang: A son must choose his own path.
Raiden: So be it.
Takeda: A chance to fight the idiot twins.
Ferra: We not twins!
Takeda: Exactly!
Kung Jin: You trying to kill me?
Erron Black: It's just money, nothing personal.
Kung Jin: It's about to get very personal!
Triborg 1: Who are you?
Triborg 2: Teku, founder of the Tekunin Klan.
Triborg 2: You are clearly defective.
Johnny Cage: Oh, look! A robot!
Triborg: Earthrrealm's clown.
Johnny Cage: Clowns are scarier than robots. Certified fact.
Cassie Cage: [to Alien] Whoa-ho! You're begging for a baton in the taint!
Johnny Cage: [to Alien] It's game over, man!
Goro: [to Jason] You challenge me?
Goro: [to Alien] Die, parasite!
Bo' Rai Cho: [to Predator] You are one ugly motherfucker!
Bo' Rai Cho: [to Jason] Jason Vorhees?!
Scorpion: [to Alien] You will taste fire, Alien!
Sub-Zero: [to Alien] The cold is your enemy.
Scorpion: [to Alien] A scorpion strikes faster.
Sub-Zero: [to Alien] I'll freeze your acid blood.
Scorpion: [to Leatherface] Fire will melt that mask!
Sub-Zero: [to Leatherface] The Sawyer clan will fall.
Triborg: [to Jason] Mental defective.
Triborg: [to Leatherface] A simple weapon for a simple man.
Bo' Rai Cho: [to Alien] You are not of this world.
Ermac 1: We are many.
Ermac 2: We are many more.
Ermac 1: [rapidly] We are many more plus infinity times infinity, no paybacks.
Kenshi: The friendless wanderer.
Erron Black: At least I don't take orders from a woman.
Kenshi: What century are you from?
Cassie Cage: Triborg, huh? What, are you Swedish?
Triborg: My human origins are unimportant.
Cassie Cage: [Mocking] Oh, you like da tasty fish, ja, for sure.

Story Mode

Fujin: Raiden! We must re-fortify the portal's defenses below!
Raiden: No, Fujin. It is too late.
[The Netherrealm army is far from finished. Innumerable demons slowly walk towards the gods of thunder and wind. One in particular gets closer and roars to the skies - and a green flaming skull bursts through its chest. Fujin and Raiden avoid the projectile as the creature falls dead, showing the one who killed it. The army has now stopped its advance, and given arespectable distance to the sorcerer who commands them. He proudly walks towards the two gods, revealing his distinctive pale facial features]
Quan Chi: The mighty gods of Earthrealm.
Raiden: You befoul these hallowed grounds, Quan Chi! Begone!
Quan Chi: Surely you are pleased to see your friends...[He looks to his left. Before him stand the undead forms of Kurtis Stryker, Sindel and Kabal] You abandoned them to their deaths. I returned them to life.
Raiden:: A life worse than death!
Quan Chi: One you will soon share, and my lord himself shall witness your fall.

Johnny Cage: Oh, sorry ma'am! Didn't see ya there!
Shinnok: [He brings himself up to his knees] Miserable wretch! Insignificant speck of feculant scum! How DARE you!

[On the rooftops, Mileena and Rain spy on the proceedings, accompanied by the treacherous Edenian Tanya and several Tarkatans]
Tanya: The Tarkatans are in position. We await your order.
Mileena: It is given, dearest Tanya.
[Tanya sneaks off with several Tarkatans in tow.]
Rain: Stopping a carriage is nothing. Killing an emperor...
Mileena: FALSE emperor!
Rain: ...requires power. Power you have, Mileena. And won't use.
Mileena: [She begrudgingly pulls out what Rain is referring to - Shinnok's Amulet] It pains me to use it, Rain. I need more time. The usurper's excursion came too soon.
Rain: The rain falls when it may.
Mileena: No matter - if Kano does what I paid him to do.

Raiden: It has more sentimental than monetary value. Nevertheless, I would prefer you did not steal it.
Kung Jin: It's a family heirloom. One that shouldn't have been given to you!
[The statue disappears from Jin's hand in a flash of lightning, and reappears in Raiden's]
Raiden: Your family honoured me with this memento of your cousin Lao. After his death.
Kung Jin: A death you caused! You made him fight Shao Kahn, then stood there while that bastard snapped his neck!
Raiden: You go too far, Kung Jin.
Kung Jin: No... Not far enough.

[Li Mei, Sonya and Kenshi are overseeing all of the refugees being screened]
Li Mei: [To Sonya] You seem to know this "Kano" intimately.
Sonya Blade: Not the word I'd use, but yes. I chased him for years until he escaped to Outworld after Shinnok's invasion.
Kenshi: Why would he return now?
Sonya Blade: All that matters is he's...
[She trails off as she spots the same Outworld woman who was in the bodybag earlier, now not sporting Kano's "necktie". A brief flickure onthe holographic face confirms her suspicions; it's Kano in a high-tech disguise]
Sonya Blade: ...caught. Gotcha.
[She discreetly thumbs over to Kenshi, who moves off to the side. Sonya walks directly toward the disguised Kano. Seeing her coming, he cuts awayfrom the line he's in, but is intercepted by Kenshi]
Kenshi: Are you lost?
[He turns around, but Sonya bars his way. Seeing that there's nowhere to run, Kano disengages his disguise and reveals himself, causing several refugees to backpedal in shock]
Kano: 'Ello, love! Been a while!
Sonya Blade: Not long enough.
[She opens up a call on her communicator]
Sonya Blade: This is General Blade. I need MPs to my location immediately.
Kano: Aww, let's keep this between friends. A trade! Info for freedom.
[She gets into a fighting stance]
Sonya Blade: I don't negotiate with scumbags.
Kano: Well then, if mother won't play nice, maybe daughter will.
Sonya Blade: If you ever...
Kano: Back off, and all's well. Piss me off, and Cassie's gonna meet Uncle Kano.
Sonya Blade: I swear to God I'll kill you!

Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi): Takeda, CEASE! Kenshi did not abandon you. He brought you here for your protection.
Takeda: Protection from what?!
Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi): From those who murdered your mother.
Takeda: She... she died in an accident!
Kenshi: That is the story I asked Master Hasashi to tell you. [He stands to his feet] But in truth, your mother was killed by Red Dragon assassins. I was the target. Suchin was the victim.
Takeda: [He growls in furious and lunges forward, grabbing Kenshi by his outfit] Son of a bitch! It was your fault! [He makes no move to strike him, though. Scorpion slowly steps forward]
Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi): Your father has devoted his life to fighting animals like the Red Dragon. It is they who are without honour.
Takeda: [He lets his father go and walks away, taking a moment to collect his emotions. Beneath his anger, pain is clearly visible on his face] You shouldn't have hidden the truth.
Kenshi: You would have gone after your mother's killers unprepared. I could not risk that. [Takeda says nothing, but slowly processes the information he's being told] Master Hasashi has perfected your fighting skills.
[His next words echo in Takeda's head, rather than being spoken aloud]
Kenshi: [Telepathically] Now it is time to complete your training.
Takeda: [He instinctively puts his hand to his head, in the stance he will later adopt when putting his own telepathic skills to use] did you do that?
Kenshi: [Telepathically] We are telepaths. A family gift.
Takeda: I can read minds?
Kenshi: [Telepathically] Through training, we will determine your full abilities. [He reverts to speaking his next words] And then we will hunt down the Red Dragon. Together.

Liu Kang: In your weakened state, is it possible for you to release Shinnok?
Quan Chi: I am more than capable.
Liu Kang: And D'Vorah? Are you certain she is capable?
Quan Chi: She WILL bring the amulet to me.
Jax: And I'll be waiting for her.
[Liu Kang turns around at the new arrival]
Quan Chi: Jackson Briggs. A pleasant surprise.
Jax: Nothin' pleasent about it.

Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi): [To his men] Unbind him.
[One of them undoes the chains on Quan Chi. The sorcerer remains on his knees]
Quan Chi: Scorpion, we can...
Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi): [He backfists him in the face, knocking him to the ground] MY NAME IS HANZO HASASHI!! [He grabs Quan Chi by the scruff of his neck] You killed my wife! My son! And then you burrowed your way into my head! Misdirected my VENGEANCE! COST ME MY ONE CHANCE TO HAVE THEM RESTORED!!
Quan Chi: Your family... I...
Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi): [He hauls him to his feet, roaring in rage] Quiet, sorcerer! Nothing can help you now!

Raiden: [last lines] Too long have I allowed Earthrealm to endure the horrors of war. Time and again we've defeated our enemies. But we've exacted no retribution. Demanded no remuneration. What have we gained for our mercy? More intrigue. More senseless violence. As new rulers of the Neatherrealm, heed me. No longer will I simply defend Earthrealm. I will seek out and destroy all who threaten it. No mercy will be shown. No quarter given. Shinnok was an Elder God. Impossible to kill. There are fates worse than death.

Voice cast

  • Patrick Seitz as Scorpion
  • Steve Blum as Sub-Zero, Reptile, Bo' Rai Cho
  • Richard Epcar as Raiden
  • Andrew Bowen as Johnny Cage, Rain, Smoke
  • Ronald M. Banks as Quan Chi
  • Michael McConnohie as Kano
  • Phil LaMarr as Kotal Kahn
  • Jamieson Price as Ermac, Announcer
  • Troy Baker as Erron Black, Shinnok, Fujin
  • Vic Chao as Kenshi Takahashi, Sektor, Goro and Triborg
  • Tara Strong as Ferra, Li Mei
  • Tom Choi as Liu Kang
  • Karen Strassman as Kitana, Mileena
  • Grey DeLisle as Kitana (grunting voice), Mileena (grunting voice), Additional Voices
  • Tricia Helfer as Sonya Blade
  • Will Yun Lee as Kung Lao
  • Ashly Burch as Cassie Cage
  • Danielle Nicolet as Jacqui Briggs, Sareena
  • Parry Shen as Takeda Takahashi
  • Johnny Yong Bosch as Kung Jin
  • Greg Eagles as Jax, Baraka
  • Jennifer Hale as Tanya
  • Kelly Hu as D'Vorah, Sindel, Frost
  • Fred Tatasciore as Tremor and Torr
  • Carl Weathers as Jax Commando skin
  • Nathan Hosner as Narrator
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