Heartbreak Hotel (film)

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Heartbreak Hotel is 1988 comedy film, set in 1972, about one of the many "legends" involving Elvis Presley and his fictional kidnapping, and his subsequent redemption from decadence.

Written and directed by Chris Columbus.
1972. My family needed some help, my town needed a hero, and my band needed a break. So I borrowed Mom's pink Cadillac and I kidnapped Elvis Presley, and our lives were never the same again.taglines

Elvis Presley

  • Son, you're talking to Elvis Presley! Do I look like a dating service?

Johnny Wolfe

  • You're kissing the same ass you used to kick.


Elvis: When I first met you, I didn't like you at all. I thought you were the most arrogant, selfish, ungrateful little bastard I'd ever met. [pauses] Then I started to remember how much I was like that at your age.
Johnny: Elvis, man. What happened at the talent show - thanks. I know you did that for me.
Elvis: [frowns] Hell no, kid. I didn't do that for you. I did that for rock and roll.

Elvis: Maybe I ought to go back to the old way of doing things. Really rock them again!
Jerry: [uneasy] Hell, you can't afford to take a chance like that, E. What about your image?
Elvis: Can't afford it? Man, when I was broke I could afford to do anything I wanted? [bitterly, to himself] Now I'm a millionaire. Can't afford to do a damned thing.


  • 1972. My family needed some help, my town needed a hero, and my band needed a break. So I borrowed Mom's pink Cadillac and I kidnapped Elvis Presley, and our lives were never the same again.
  • A rock and roll fantasy.


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