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→‎List of class names: -zhou -xian administrative division terms
Line 32: Line 32:
| [[Pan County]]
| [[Pan County]]
| Administrative
| 州
| -zhou
| [[Tongzhou]]
| Administrative
| 縣
| -xian
| (Tung-hsien historic)

Revision as of 23:17, 13 January 2013

Names for places in China, when referred to in Chinese contain a class identifier. In English this is often translated, while the rest of the name is not. The class identifier in Chinese is placed at the end, in English with the exceptions of mountains and lakes the identifier is placed at the end too. For names of lakes and mountains "X Lake" [1] / "Lake X" and "X Mountain" / "Mount X" both is used.

Some mountain ranges like Tian Shan are referred to English by the Chinese name. "Tian" means sky or heaven and "Shan" means mountain(s), so Tian Shan literally translates as the "Heaven Mountains".

List of class names

E = English, C = Chinese, P = Pinyin

Group Class (E) Class (C) Class (P) Example (E) Example (P)
Administrative Autonomous Region 自治区 Zìzhìqū Tibet Autonomous Region Xīzàng Zìzhìqū
Administrative Province Shěng Hebei Province Héběi Shěng
Administrative County Pan County
Administrative -zhou Tongzhou
Administrative -xian (Tung-hsien historic)
Administrative Autonomous county 自治县 Zìzhìxiàn Dachang Hui Autonomous County
Administrative City Shì Chengdu City Chéngdū Shì
Administrative District Bincheng District Bīnchéng Qū
Administrative League Méng Alxa League Ālāshàn Méng
Administrative Autonomous banner 自治旗 Zìzhìqí Evenk Autonomous Banner Èwēnkèzú Zìzhìqí
Landform Mountains 山脉 Ailao Mountains Āiláo Shān
Landform Mountain Shān Tianmu Mountain Tiānmù Shān
Landform Peak Feng
Landform Hill .. see List of hills in Hangzhou
Landform Island Dǎo Liugong Island Liúgōng Dǎo
Landform Plateau 草原 Cǎoyuán Bashang Plateau Bàshàng Cǎoyuán
Landform Peninsula 半岛 bàn dǎo Shandong Peninsula Shāndōng bàn dǎo
Landform Valley 沟 (formally 峡) Insukati Valley
Landform Pass Guān Kunlun Pass Kūnlún Guān
Landform Desert 沙漠 Shāmò Taklamakan Desert Tǎkèlāmǎgān Shāmò
Landform Gorge Xiá Wu Gorge Wū Xiá
Landform Beach
Landform Basin 盆地 Péndì Tarim Basin Tǎlǐmù Péndì
Landform Cave Dòng Xianren Cave Xiānrén Dòng
Landform Plain 平原 Píngyuán Chengdu Plain Chéngdū Píngyuán
Landform/Water Glacier 冰川 bīnchuān Mingyong Glacier
Landform/Water Spring Quán Baimai Spring Bǎi Mài Quán
Landform/Water Waterfall 瀑布 Pù Bù Hukou Waterfall Hǔ Kǒu Pù Bù
Landform/Water River Huai River Huái Hé
Landform/Water River Jiāng Chang River Cháng Jiāng
Landform/Water Lake Ayding Lake Àidīng Hú
Landform/Water Sea, X Gulf Hǎi Bohai Sea Bó Hăi
Landform/Water Bay Wān Bohai Bay Bóhǎi Wān
Landform/Water Strait 海峡 hǎixiá Taiwan Strait
Landform/Water Reservoir 水库 Zhelin Reservoir


  • East: 东, Dong - e.g. Guangdong (广东), "Expanse East"
  • West: 西, Xi – e.g. Xi'an (西安), "Western Peace"
  • South: 南, Nan – e.g. Hainan (海南), "South of the Sea"
  • North: 北, Bei – e.g. Beijing (北京), "Northern Capital"
