
Finance Banking 500 Brand Assessment 2024: BT is the third strongest banking brand in the world

06 March 2024 Reading time 2:00 minutes

Banca Transilvania performed remarkably well year after year in terms of brand value and strength, achieving it’s best results in 2024.

According to the Brand Finance Banking 500 2024 assessment:

  • BT is one of the strongest banking brands in the world: it moved up to 3rd place from 7th place in 2023, with an exceptional Brand Strength Index (BSI) of 92.3/100.

  • Banca Transilvania's brand value increased by 34% compared to 2023 and reached USD 686.5 million, climbing 44 places in the ranking up to position number 252. Last year, the bank was ranked on 297th place, with a value of USD 513 million.

This is very good news for BT, but also for Romania. Banca Transilvania's position among global banking brands shows us once again the importance of building strong, local brands that can compete successfully with companies that have a very good reputation internationally. This shows that it is possible to do business here in Romania.

Ӧmer Tetik, General Manager, Banca Transilvania

BT recorded a profit of almost RON 3 billion in 2023, 14% higher than in 2022, and attracted 623,000 new customers, meaning an average of 1,700 clients/working day. Financing companies and retail clients, increasing operational activity and attracting new customers were bank engines over the past year.

Banca Transilvania entered the Brand Finance Banking 500 in 2018, ranked 486th, with a brand value of USD 174 million.

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