This plugin hasn’t been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.



Add farm calculators to your website to help visitors determine various farming and crop related information, such as crop populations, yield estimates, and harvest losses.


You can use following shortcodes if activated:

Crop Population

[farming_calc_crop_population_bs] (for bootstrap themes)

Shows a calculator for determing crop population based on stand count, row length, and row spacing.

Crop Population (Hoop Method)

[farming_calc_crop_population_hoop_bs] (for bootstrap themes)

Shows a calculator for determing crop population based on stand count and hoop size.

Wheat Harvest Yield Loss

[farming_calc_wheat_harvest_yield_loss_bs] (for bootstrap themes)

Shows a calculator for determing wheat harvest yield loss based on kernels counted on ground and the size of the area they were counted in.

Grain Sorghum Harvest Yield Loss

[farming_calc_sorghum_harvest_yield_loss_bs] (for bootstrap themes)

Shows a calculator for determing grain sorghum harvest yield loss based on kernels counted on ground and the size of the area they were counted in.

Soybean Harvest Yield Loss

[farming_calc_soybean_harvest_yield_loss_bs] (for bootstrap themes)

Shows a calculator for determing soybean harvest yield loss based on beans counted on ground and the size of the area they were counted in.

Sunflower Harvest Yield Loss

[farming_calc_sunflower_harvest_yield_loss_bs] (for bootstrap themes)

Shows a calculator for determing sunflower harvest yield loss based on seeds counted on ground and the size of the area they were counted in.

More shortcodes will follow soon.


  • screenshot-1.png


Install Farm-Calculators on a simple WordPress blog

  1. Upload the full farm-calculators directory into your wp-content/plugins directory.

  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

  3. Use the calculator shortcodes wherever you would like to display them to your visitors.


April 13, 2019
Works with WP 5.1.1 using Elegant Fusion theme. Basic. Not Fancy, but could be fancied up with some CSS. Would like to see an update for security.
Read all 1 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Farm-Calculators” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Translate “Farm-Calculators” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.

Change log


  • Bump compatibility information.


  • Minor spelling and wording adjustments.


  • Added wheat harvest yield loss calculator.


  • Added soybean harvest yield loss calculator.
  • Added sunflower harvest yield loss calculator.


  • Added grain sorghum harvest yield loss calculator.
  • Added bootstrap styled alternative shortcodes.


  • First public version.
  • Added crop population by hoop method calculator.
  • Added crop population by row length/spacing calculator.