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Iran: New President Should Confront Rights Abuses

Click to expand Image Iran's president Masoud Pezeshkian greets supporters in Tehran, July 6, 2024.  © 2024 AP Photo / Vahid Salemi (Beirut) – Incoming Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian should confr...

In Guinea, Fears of Torture of Forcibly Disappeared Opponents

Click to expand Image Oumar Sylla, known as Foniké Mengué, at the National Front for the Defense of the Constitution headquarters in Conakry, Guinea, May 2022. © 2022 Private On the evening of July 9,...

Israel y Territorios Palestinos Ocupados: Hamás y otros grupos armados deben liberar de inmediato a los rehenes civiles en Gaza

Amnistía Internacional ha reiterado hoy que Hamás y otros grupos armados deben liberar de inmediato y sin condiciones a todos los rehenes civiles a los que mantienen en cautiverio desde el 7 de octubr...

Lithuania: Don’t Leave Global Ban on Cluster Munitions

Click to expand Image Lithuania’s representative signing the Convention on Cluster Munitions in Oslo, Norway on December 3, 2008. © 2008 Gunnar Mjaugedal/ (Berlin) – Lithuania’s parliamen...

Bielorrusia: El Nobel de la Paz Ales Bialiatski debe ser puesto en libertad, tras conocerse que su salud se deteriora

En vísperas del tercer aniversario del encarcelamiento el 14 de julio de Ales Bialiatski, galardonado con el Premio Nobel de la Paz y presidente del Centro de Derechos Humanos “Viasna”, cuya salud, se...

‘Dark Day’ in Malawi for Rights of LGBT People

Click to expand Image A young transgender woman at a friend’s house seeking temporary shelter in Lilongwe, Malawi.  © 2018 Human Rights Watch Malawi’s Constitutional Court on June 28 rejected a legal ...

Pakistán: La prórroga por un año para las personas refugiadas afganas registradas ante la ONU es un primer paso positivo, pero la medida debe hacerse extensible a todas las personas refugiadas

En respuesta al anuncio efectuado el miércoles de que el gobierno de Pakistán ha aceptado una prórroga de un año para más de 1,45 millones de personas refugiadas afganas a las que el ACNUR había exped...

Russia’s July 8 Attack on a Children’s Hospital in Ukraine

Click to expand Image Emergency services work at the site of Okhmatdyt children’s hospital hit by Russian missiles, in Kyiv, Ukraine, July 8, 2024.  © 2024 AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka (Kyiv) - Russian ...

Bhutan: Urgently Reform Justice System, Prison Conditions

(New York) – A man who served 30 years in a Bhutanese prison for distributing political pamphlets has said that political detainees like him are surviving on meager rations and are reduced to using ri...

UN Rights Council Takes Big Step for Treaty on Free Education

Click to expand Image A pupil at a free government pre-primary school, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, November 2022. © 2022 Bede Sheppard / Human Rights Watch The United Nation’s preeminent human rights body, ...

UAE: Unfair Trial, Unjust Sentences

Click to expand Image Ahmed Mansoor plays with his children as he speaks to Reuters in Dubai November 30, 2011. © 2011 REUTERS/Nikhil Monteiro (Beirut) – The convictions of at least 44 defendants in t...

Emiratos Árabes Unidos: Decenas de personas declaradas culpables en un simulacro de juicio colectivo que viola principios jurídicos fundamentales

En respuesta a la noticia de que un tribunal emiratí ha declarado hoy culpables a decenas de personas, a 40 de las cuales ha condenado a cadena perpetua, en un juicio colectivo contra 84 personas cele...

EU Should Add Xinjiang, Aluminum to Forced Labor Database

Click to expand Image A guard stands in a tower on the perimeter of the Number 3 Detention Center in Dabancheng in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region on April 23, 2021. © 2021 AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbei...

Afganistán: Un nuevo informe de la ONU subraya la necesidad urgente de que los talibanes den marcha atrás al control policial de la moral

En respuesta a un nuevo informe de la Misión de Asistencia de las Naciones Unidas en Afganistán (UNAMA) sobre las violaciones graves y generalizadas de derechos humanos cometidas por el denominado Min...

Zimbabwe: Army Commander Threatens Election Integrity

Click to expand Image Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa (3rd R) inspects the guard of honor at the country's 43rd Independence Day celebrations held in Mount Darwin, Mashonaland Central province, ...

GLOBAL: Sistemas tecnológicos están alimentando las desigualdades de género en todo el mundo

“En todo el mundo, diversos sistemas tecnológicos están reforzando las desigualdades de género y consolidando sistemas de poder raciales y socioeconómicos”, ha declarado hoy Amnistía Internacional en ...

Egipto: Las prohibiciones de viajar impuestas a un abogado y una abogada de derechos humanos deben levantarse

Las autoridades egipcias deben levantar de forma inmediata las prohibiciones de viajar dictadas contra los destacados abogados de derechos humanos Nasser Amin (h) y Hoda Abdelwahab (m) en relación con...

Europa: Un patrón arrollador de restricciones y ataques sistemáticos socava la protesta pacífica

En toda Europa, el derecho de reunión pacífica está sufriendo una fuerte embestida a medida que los Estados deslegitiman, estigmatizan, criminalizan y reprimen cada vez más a quienes se manifiestan pa...

UE: 80 ONG piden que se rechacen los planes para trasladar fuera del territorio de la UE los procedimientos de asilo y las salvaguardas de la protección de las personas refugiadas

Antes de la primera sesión plenaria del recién elegido Parlamento Europeo, más de 80 organizaciones humanitarias y de derechos humanos piden a la nueva Unión Europea que adopte una postura firme para ...

Guatemala: Amnistía Internacional denuncia nueva condena contra la exfiscal Virginia Laparra

Ante la sentencia condenatoria dictada en contra de la exfiscal de la Fiscalía Especial contra la Impunidad (FECI) Virginia Laparra Rivas el día de hoy, la directora para las Américas de Amnistía Inte...

Your right to stand for forests is under attack — again

If it seems like we’ve been talking about lawsuits a lot lately, it’s because we have.Corporate bullies, helped by Donald Trump’s go-to law firm, have filed two massive lawsuits against Greenpeace in ...

Sponsoring climate change

It is that time again. Four years roll by and once more the greatest winter athletes in the world will come together to wow us on death-defying luge runs, courageous ski jumps or surprisingly mesmeris...

A tribute to Jon Castle

James (Jon) Castle - 7 December 1950 to 12 January 2018Over four decades Captain Jon Castle navigated Greenpeace ships by the twin stars of ‘right and wrong’, defending the environment and promoting p...

We don't just need electric cars, we need fewer cars

Ever since the first production car rolled off the assembly line more than 100 years ago, our love affair with automobiles has grown and grown. In countries like the UK, France, Italy and Germany ther...

Diving to the Antarctic sea floor is a scientist’s dream come true

Most people would be surprised about how many species of cold-water corals and amazing sponges you’d find on the bottom of the Antarctic Ocean. Even as the scientist who has identified three quarters ...

The Rise of the Penguins

Never have so many penguins been seen waddling in so many places.They were ice skating in Stockholm, tap dancing in London, trekking up the highest mountain in Turkey and marching on mass in central T...

Listening for Justice in Davos

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing” - Arundhati RoyI can hear her too. I have spent my working life trying to help others hear her. I wond...

Which is the Antarctic's top penguin?

Not every penguin is up to the challenge of living in the Antarctic, but those that do are a special sort of awesome. Remember, they don’t have the luxury of being able to fly away again if the weathe...

We can’t just recycle our way out of the plastic pollution crisis

Plastics are in the air. Not only literally. Everyone's talking about plastic pollution and the need to take action.You don’t need to be conducting a scientific research to see that plastic waste is i...

How do we make corporations more accountable?

Greenpeace is famous for campaigning against corporations.We made “Choke” out of Coca-Cola's logo to draw attention to the massive plastic pollution impact they have around the world. Polar bear hijac...