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Michel Keijzers's user avatar
Michel Keijzers's user avatar
Michel Keijzers's user avatar
Michel Keijzers
  • Member for 7 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
34 votes

RX vs TX operation in Software UART

23 votes

Difference between 0-18V and -9V - +9V

22 votes

Is it good practice to substitute a resistor by parallel and series-ing them?

17 votes

Voltage of sounds of MP3 files

15 votes

How fail-safe is \n\r as stop bytes?

15 votes

What is the use of this diode in the circuit?

14 votes

Is it Safe to Plug an Extension Cord Into a Power Strip?

14 votes

Discrete logic design

12 votes

Espionage by CRT mirroring

12 votes

What is this array-like notation of registers in datasheets?

12 votes

How to store persistent values in STM32F407VGT6 embedded microcontroller?

12 votes

What´s the purpose of this diode?

11 votes

Compress .hex file for micro-controller

11 votes

ESD Mat and wrist strap grounding - Ground hole not available in my country

11 votes

What kind of breadboard and prototyping board do I need for this right-angle DB25 connector?

10 votes

Increase memory of an ATmega32

10 votes

How could have Banksy kept an RF receiver running for 12 years?

10 votes

C - wrapping globals in a struct?

10 votes

How do I measure a voltage greater than 5 V with Arduino?

9 votes

STM32F4 series: what does the '->' operator?

9 votes

What is difference between UART and i2c

9 votes

Logical OR vs Logical Addition

9 votes

Distance or length specification (or limit) of Arduino IO devices

9 votes

Does a voice coil vibrate at the same frequency as the source sound file?

8 votes

Time for serial data(UART) transmission

8 votes

What are the differences between shift register ICs?

8 votes

UART- a protocol or hardware?

8 votes

Build a scale without computer

8 votes

Could transporting electricity using plastic water pipes be feasible?

7 votes

LED- Resistor, does the position matter?

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