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Flow of electric charge - typically movement of charge carriers, such as electrons. Measured in amperes (A).

4 votes

How can AC propagate further than one wave length?

It seems that the key disconnect here, the bit of information you're missing, is that the direction of the electric field and the direction of propagation of the electric field are two entirely differ …
Hearth's user avatar
  • 35.2k
2 votes

Why does placing resistors in parallel decrease the resistance?

The second resistor is a second path for the current. … It's one volt across a one ohm resistor, with one amp of current. Next, you add a second one ohm resistor, as in the circuit with V2. …
Hearth's user avatar
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1 vote

Control current from Arduino

So, the main concern here is that you could end up driving too much current through your Arduino's GPIO pin. … A MOSFET only requires a current when it's switching, and in the steady state there is no gate current. …
Hearth's user avatar
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4 votes

LTspice- resistors, currents, ammeter

If you want to know the current through a two-terminal component, simply click on the component. … If you want to know the current into one pin of a multi-pin component, click on that pin of the component (the mouse cursor will turn into a current probe to show it's in the right place). …
Hearth's user avatar
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1 vote

Am I able to increase the current without also increasing the voltage?

You need a much higher current power supply to have any hope of starting all these motors at once. Even running them all at once takes over six amps. …
Hearth's user avatar
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2 votes

Commutators and direction of current

When using it as a generator, the commutator isn't responsible for changing the direction of the current in the coil itself. … The coil current changes direction just because that's how it physically works; the job of the commutator in this case is to 'undo' that direction change so that the output current stays in the same direction …
Hearth's user avatar
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0 votes

Can you exceed the maximum current rating of an IC?

What the input current specification tells you is what current the inputs will draw when given a normal input. … If you do exceed its ratings, all bets are off and the part will probably not survive, but you do have a better chance of the chip surviving if you limit its current somehow. …
Hearth's user avatar
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1 vote

Why in a inverter DC to AC 12V et 220V when I increase the voltage, the current decrease to ...

When the input voltage is higher, these connections don't need to be switched on for as long to produce the required amount of output energy per cycle, so the average input current decreases. …
Hearth's user avatar
  • 35.2k
2 votes

Have I understood transistors correctly?

input bias current of the amplifier is). … If 1 is correct then why one would ever buy an expensive voltage regulator with a high current rating? Can't we use a low-current regulator in small package and increase the current using BJTs? …
Hearth's user avatar
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1 vote

When charging rechargable battery, should we care about watts and ignore voltage and current?

If you do not use the correct voltage and current to charge a battery you run the risk of having your battery quite literally explode. …
Hearth's user avatar
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1 vote

Fuse dimensioning guidelines

Motors have a large inrush current, up to several times the normal operating current, for a few moments right after they are turned on. … There are other devices, like the current-limit diode, or a voltage regulator in current-limit configuration for example, that can act much quicker. …
Hearth's user avatar
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1 vote

Voltage-current relationship in the wire

The voltage across a resistor is directly proportional to the current through it, which means that power is uniquely determined by just the voltage (or equivalently, just the current). …
Hearth's user avatar
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1 vote

Is the electric current delayed

In the case shown, with both diodes near the power supply but with a very long wire between them, there will be no delay. However, in the case shown below, there will be a delay: simulate this …
Hearth's user avatar
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14 votes

Heating resistor - low current, high temperature

Current is related to power, but it's the power that matters, not the current. … The actual current works out to 12.2 A, considering the added resistance of the power line. …
Hearth's user avatar
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4 votes

How is current dropped through a step-up transformer, when current is dependent on resistance?

The transformer imposes a certain restriction on the voltage and current, and you cannot determine the load seen on both sides independently: simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab …
Hearth's user avatar
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