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Small unwanted residual periodic variation of a direct current (dc) output.

3 votes

Allowable ripple voltage

There is no one answer about how much ripple is too much, because that depends on the devices being powered. … All that said, 20 mV ripple on a 3.3 V supply should not cause trouble for an ordinary microcontroller or digital logic. …
Olin Lathrop's user avatar
2 votes

Full-wave bridge rectifier with capacitor filter and ripple voltage

current over time is: dV = A s / F where:    dV is the voltage change    A the current in Amperes    s the time in seconds    F the capacitance in Farads This pretty much tells you the peak to peak ripple
Olin Lathrop's user avatar
6 votes

Ringing/Noise on smps output while BJT turns on

This can be useful for lighting LEDs and the like where some ripple and voltage slop is acceptable. …
Olin Lathrop's user avatar