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Small unwanted residual periodic variation of a direct current (dc) output.

6 votes

Reducing Voltage Ripple in a Switching Converter.

What you have on your scope is huge CM (common-mode) pickup which is swamping the actual ripple. Turn your scope bandwidth limiter on. … Your true ripple will be orders of magnitude lower than 20 MHz. Measure directly across your output capacitors with a short probe to minimize pickup. …
Adam Lawrence's user avatar
2 votes

capacitor ripple current in buck converter

The ripple current applied to your output capacitors is your peak-to-peak inductor current. Nothing less, nothing more. … The output capacitance doesn't affect the ripple current; its ESR controls the ripple voltage. The ripple current is unaffected by the ESR. (The inductor just doesn't care!) …
Adam Lawrence's user avatar
3 votes

How to setup the oscilloscope for measuring power supply response

Why the overshoot can be seen on 250nS/div, while the comutation signal of the load can be seen at 10mS/div ? The load commutation signal can be seen at 10ms/div because that timescale is in the rang …
Adam Lawrence's user avatar