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Short for Radio Frequency, i.e. frequencies at which radiation (intentional or not) plays a role. Typically associated with wireless communications, but also relevant for high-speed PCB design.

15 votes
2 answers

Could a copper RF cavity like this be reasonably expected to have a Q > 7000?

Could a copper RF cavity like this be reasonably expected to have a Q > 7000? I'm curious - with a drive of 50W, what would be the order of magnitude electric fields inside? kV/m? MV/m? … Test Article The RF resonance test article is a copper frustum with an inner diameter of 27.9 cm on the big end, an inner diameter of 15.9 cm on the small end, and an axial length of 22.9 cm. …
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0 votes

How does this quartz antenna work?

This would in fact have some measurable effect on the local electric field of an incident RF wave, but how much, and weather or not that would enhance the fork's performance as an antenna is not clear …
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24 votes
3 answers

Why is the reflector on this millimeter-wave antenna spinning?

The WIRED YouTube video Inside Facebook's Quest to Beam the Internet Via Solar Drone and article Inside Facebook’s First Efforts to Rain Internet from the Sky show a dish antenna (starting after 02:00 …
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16 votes

Why is the reflector on this millimeter-wave antenna spinning?

Thanks to @GrantTrebbin's great answer for solving the mystery, and @Russell McMahon's insightful explanation and context, I'll add a little supplemental information here. Now that I've learned what i …
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19 votes
3 answers

Wouldn't putting an electronic key inside a small Faraday cage render it completely useless?

I'd thought that the point of a Faraday cage for RF signals is to block RF inside from getting out and RF outside from getting in. …
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