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-1 votes
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Error correction technique for 4 kB of data with 10-15% bit errors in an embedded microcontroller?

I'm working with an embedded project that uses a 4 kB buffer. Every once in a while something happens which introduces 10-15% bit errors, scattered throughout the buffer. Can someone please recommend ...
arnold_w's user avatar
-1 votes
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SECDED in the presence of more than two errors

Is there a way to calculate the number of errors that will be caught (or missed) by SECDED when there are more than two errors? I'm thinking of an issue such as a badly-timed data strobe, where the ...
Jabberwock's user avatar
17 votes
7 answers

Is a bit error rate close to 1 just as desirable as one that is close to 0?

Let me explain the premise. If you have a communication system, and you know with a very good confidence margin what the bit error rate is, would you be able to exploit the properties of high bit ...
alexmesa's user avatar
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3 answers

Number of errors that can be detected with a single-bit even parity code word system?

How many errors can a transmission system which uses code words with 7 data bits and a single parity bit (Checking for Even parity) detect at the receiving end. While I am aware of the fact that any ...
shehan.k's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Why bother with even parity?

I am using an SPI peripheral in my application. The peripheral returns packets containing 15 data bits, plus an Even Parity bit for error detection. Therefore all zeros, and all ones both pass the ...
Rocketmagnet's user avatar
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