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What is cut in voltagea precise definitiondefiniton of "cut-in" voltage as applied to diodes?

What is cut inthe "cut-in" voltage or knee voltage of a diode or transistors Intransistor?

In a lot of books I read that the cut in-in or knee voltage of a diode (or transistor) is when the diode starts conducting or when the diode starts allowing significant of current or the voltage at which current in diode starts increasing rapidly with in small increase in voltage accross it  . Here what

What is the that significant current ,is there any value for that significant current and precise defintion for cut in voltage or its just a vage definition.? Is there any value for that significant current and a precise defintion for "cut-in" voltage or is it just a vague definition?

What is cut in voltage precise definition

What is cut in voltage or knee voltage of a diode or transistors In lot books I read that cut in or knee voltage of a diode (or transistor) is when the diode starts conducting or when the diode starts allowing significant of current or the voltage at which current in diode starts increasing rapidly with in small increase in voltage accross it  . Here what is the that significant current ,is there any value for that significant current and precise defintion for cut in voltage or its just a vage definition.

What is a precise definiton of "cut-in" voltage as applied to diodes?

What is the "cut-in" voltage or knee voltage of a diode or transistor?

In a lot of books I read that the cut-in or knee voltage of a diode (or transistor) is when the diode starts conducting or when the diode starts allowing significant of current or the voltage at which current in diode starts increasing rapidly with in small increase in voltage accross it.

What is the that significant current? Is there any value for that significant current and a precise defintion for "cut-in" voltage or is it just a vague definition?

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What is cut in voltage precise definition

What is cut in voltage or knee voltage of a diode or transistors In lot books I read that cut in or knee voltage of a diode (or transistor) is when the diode starts conducting or when the diode starts allowing significant of current or the voltage at which current in diode starts increasing rapidly with in small increase in voltage accross it . Here what is the that significant current ,is there any value for that significant current and precise defintion for cut in voltage or its just a vage definition.