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That sinwavesine wave, having a finite and easily computed slope, along with some noise floor in the internal circuitry that DOES square up the resonator signal, cause a predictable phasenoisephase noise or TimeJittertime jitter.

Use the formula

TjitterTjitter = VnoiseVnoise / SlewRate

to predict the timing wander of this clock source.

Beware that any other circuits will only further add jitter. Use the same formula.

Assume your sinsine-to-square circuit has 10Kohm10 kohm Rnoise. This is 12 nanoVoltsnanovolts/rtHz thermal random/Johnson/Boltsmann noise density. If bandwidth is 100MHz100 MHz, the total input noise voltage is 12nV12 nV * sqrt(100MHz100 MHz) = 12nV12 nV * 10^4 = 120 microVoltsmicrovolts RMS.

Assume the crystal frequency is 10MHz10 MHz, with +-1volt1 volt peak sinsine amplitude. The slewrateslew rate is 1v1 V * 6.28 * 10MHz10 MHz = 63 volts/uSµs.

What is the edge jitter? TjTj = VnoiseVnoise / SlewRate

TjTj = 120 microVoltsmicrovolts / (63 volts/uSµs) = 2 picoseconds.

That sinwave, having finite and easily computed slope, along with some noise floor in the internal circuitry that DOES square up the resonator signal, cause a predictable phasenoise or TimeJitter.

Use the formula

Tjitter = Vnoise / SlewRate

to predict the timing wander of this clock source.

Beware that any other circuits will only further add jitter. Use the same formula.

Assume your sin-to-square circuit has 10Kohm Rnoise. This is 12 nanoVolts/rtHz thermal random/Johnson/Boltsmann noise density. If bandwidth is 100MHz, the total input noise voltage is 12nV * sqrt(100MHz) = 12nV * 10^4 = 120 microVolts RMS.

Assume the crystal frequency is 10MHz, with +-1volt peak sin amplitude. The slewrate is 1v * 6.28 * 10MHz = 63 volts/uS.

What is the edge jitter? Tj = Vnoise / SlewRate

Tj = 120 microVolts / (63 volts/uS) = 2 picoseconds.

That sine wave, having a finite and easily computed slope, along with some noise floor in the internal circuitry that DOES square up the resonator signal, cause a predictable phase noise or time jitter.

Use the formula

Tjitter = Vnoise / SlewRate

to predict the timing wander of this clock source.

Beware that any other circuits will only further add jitter. Use the same formula.

Assume your sine-to-square circuit has 10 kohm Rnoise. This is 12 nanovolts/rtHz thermal random/Johnson/Boltsmann noise density. If bandwidth is 100 MHz, the total input noise voltage is 12 nV * sqrt(100 MHz) = 12 nV * 10^4 = 120 microvolts RMS.

Assume the crystal frequency is 10 MHz, with +-1 volt peak sine amplitude. The slew rate is 1 V * 6.28 * 10 MHz = 63 volts/µs.

What is the edge jitter? Tj = Vnoise / SlewRate

Tj = 120 microvolts / (63 volts/µs) = 2 picoseconds.

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That sinwave, having finite and easily computed slope, along with some noise floor in the internal circuitry that DOES square up the resonator signal, cause a predictable phasenoise or TimeJitter.

Use the formula

Tjitter = Vnoise / SlewRate

to predict the timing wander of this clock source.

Beware that any other circuits will only further add jitter. Use the same formula.

Assume your sin-to-square circuit has 10Kohm Rnoise. This is 12 nanoVolts/rtHz thermal random/Johnson/Boltsmann noise density. If bandwidth is 100MHz, the total input noise voltage is 12nV * sqrt(100MHz) = 12nV * 10^4 = 120 microVolts RMS.

Assume the crystal frequency is 10MHz, with +-1volt peak sin amplitude. The slewrate is 1v * 6.28 * 10MHz = 63 volts/uS.

What is the edge jitter? Tj = Vnoise / SlewRate

Tj = 120 microVolts / (63 volts/uS) = 2 picoseconds.