Ahead of the European Elections in June 2024, EHPM calls on the EU to recognise food supplements as important allies for European citizens’ health, and to promote policies that empower consumers, and enable the continued growth of the European food supplement sector in the next mandate.

Science shows that food supplements can improve the intake of nutrients, supporting consumers’  health and wellbeing. Supplements are allies with a positive socio-economic impact as they can reduce specific nutrition related risk factors of developing certain diseases and contribute to lowering national Healthcare systems costs.

The EHPM Manifesto contains six specific policy asks, including promoting a fair, practical, and scientifically sound model for setting maximum levels for vitamins and minerals; creating legal certainty on what constitutes a novel food; and taking proportionate risk management decisions under Article 8 of Regulation 1925/2006.

The Manifesto is available here.

The video statement and press release are available here.

EU consumers have been traditionally using supplements to support their diets for decades.  EHPM strongly advocates for safe, high-quality products as well as accurate and helpful information about their nutritional value and most importantly their use .Europe’s food supplement industry gathers over 3,000 companies, generates nearly €18 billion in revenue and supports over 100,000 jobs,” said Director-General of EHPM Livia Menichetti. “Our manifesto is a call on the EU to promote policies that empower consumers and enable the continued growth of the European food supplement sector in the next mandate,” she added.