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Free Downloads Changelog

Version 2.3.15 — July 10, 2024

  • Checkout: Logged in users could be redirected to an outdated confirmation page in error.
  • Checkout: Fixes an issue with free orders not having an email address set for logged in users.
  • Emails: Fixes the default email content for the verification email.
  • Scripts: Updates the script handling for variable products with a free option.

Version 2.3.14 — June 27, 2024

  • Emails: Disabling the core EDD purchase confirmation could cause a fatal error after the order was completed, preventing the after order actions from running.
  • Download verification: if user verification is required, errors were not properly displayed on the Free Downloads form.
  • Settings: The extension settings have been updated for email management.
  • Dev: Asset handling has been improved by loading scripts and styles only when needed.

Version 2.3.13 — June 15, 2024

  • Fixed: The free download verification email tag did not always return the correct link.

Version 2.3.12 — June 6, 2024

  • Emails: Improved email integration with Easy Digital Downloads
  • Compatibility: Improved JavaScript compatibility.

Version 2.3.11 — April 10, 2024

  • Checkout: EDD core terms and privacy policies are used when enabled for free downloads.
  • Checkout: The extension checkout templates have been updated to be more consistent and to work with manual download links.
  • Download Archives: The free downloads button did not work on product archives such as the shortcode or block.
  • Custom Download Files: Adding a custom archive file to a download has been updated to be more clear.
  • Custom Download Files: An incorrect value here could cause a fatal error when attempting to download a file.
  • Administration: The download editor settings have been updated for consistency with EDD 3.x and to remove some conflicts with other extensions.
  • Administration: The free downloads settings screen has been updated for EDD 3.x compatibility.
  • Integrations: Setting an email marketing integration to be checked by default did not check the signup by default.
  • Dev: The new minimum requirements are PHP 7.1, WordPress 5.4, and EDD 3.1.5.

Version — September 1, 2022

  • Improvement: Updates how logged in users are managed when downloading a free product.

Version — August 17, 2022

  • Fix: In certain situations, a fatal error could happen with some newsletter extensions.
  • Dev: Update how licensing is instantiated.

Version 2.3.10 — March 4, 2021

  • Fix: Email verification triggering unexpectedly when user registration is enabled.
  • Fix: When verification email fails to send, the button gets stuck on “Please Wait…”
  • Fix: PHP deprecation notice.
  • Fix: Software Licensing – License keys not generated when “Bypass if Logged In” is enabled.
  • Fix: ActiveCampaign – customers not getting added to list.
  • Fix: GetResponse – customers not getting added to list.
  • Fix: Auto Register – Users still incorrectly registered when “Bypass Auto Registration” is enabled.
  • Tweak: Update plugin author / URI.
  • Dev: EDD 3.0 compatibility.

Version 2.3.8 — July 19, 2019

  • Fix: Corrected an issue with a CSS comment that invalidated some styles.
  • Fix: When bypass if logged in is selected and a user is logged in, non-variable priced products could cause orders with no products on them.

Version 2.3.9 — July 19, 2019

  • Fix: When logged in on mobile and the Admin Bar is visible, an additional whitespace is created at the top of the page.
  • Fix: On mobile, scrolling was sometimes prevented on pages that contained free download buttons.

Version 2.3.7 — April 26, 2019

  • Fix: Corrected a case where a user who entered their email address would erroneously be told that an invalid item was specified when using the auto download complete handler.

Version 2.3.6 — April 23, 2019

  • Fix: Corrected an issue that allowed direct download for logged in users to bypass free product checks.

Version 2.3.5 — November 21, 2018

  • Fix: Emails not subscribed in MailChimp if email verification is enabled.
  • Fix: First and last name not set on new user accounts when user registration is enabled

Version 2.3.4 — July 25, 2018

  • Fix: Improved reliability of subscribing users to MailChimp when they opt in for free downloads.

Version 2.3.3 — June 13, 2018

  • Fix: MailChimp integration was giving inconsistent results from non-free purchases.
  • Fix: Some hooks were missing from the purchase link if the user was logged in.
  • Fix: Privacy policy checkbox was not showing on the free downloads modal.

Version 2.3.2 — May 19, 2018

  • Fix: JS error when Direct Download is enabled and product has variable prices.

Version 2.3.1 — May 14, 2018

  • Fix: Email verification mode on mobile was showing JSON code instead of ajax-returning it.

Version 2.3.0 — April 23, 2018

  • New: Added Privacy Policy checkbox to Free Downloads (Requires EDD 2.9.1).
  • New: Removed dependency of Dashicons from the front end.
  • New: JavaScript files are now loaded in the footer, for improved page load speeds.
  • New: Email Opt-in checkbox is now unchecked by default, with a setting to enabled it to be checked by default.
  • Fix: Added ‘loading’ state between overlay and modal form loading, to improve UX on slower connections.
  • Fix: Variable priced items were not presenting the Free Downloads form on mobile.
  • Fix: PHP Notices were being generated when the users clicked the bypass link when information was not required.

Version 2.2.9 — March 27, 2018

  • Fix: Incorrect payment amount recorded when free download is processed while cart contains items with fees attached.

Version 2.2.8 — March 8, 2018

  • Fix: Undefined variable download_id
  • Fix: Incorrect lists used in MailChimp integration