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Oscar Lanzi's user avatar
Oscar Lanzi's user avatar
Oscar Lanzi
  • Member for 4 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a week ago
3 votes

Are there any sulphides, sulphates, carbonates that cannot be dissolved by aqua regia?

3 votes

How do mountain springs get their water?

3 votes

Is Earth's atmosphere 1600 km thick?

3 votes

Will increased level of ocean acidity lead to more frequent acid rain?

3 votes

Is Alert (in Canada) a harbor/port?

3 votes

Why are there no tholins in the inner solar system?

3 votes

What percent of the Earth's core is uranium?

3 votes

Is $\ce{CO_2}$ in photosynthesis the only way for carbon to become organic?

3 votes

What is the climate footprint of burning lignite coal - once you account for the athmosheric cooling effect of sulfur dioxide?

3 votes

What kind of chromium is in common limestone?

3 votes

Is it possible to reliably infer the anthropogenic contribution to the post-industrial rise in $\ce{CO2}$ from $^{14}\ce{C}$ observations?

3 votes

What causes "Smokey" weather?

3 votes

How much of Earth's oceans has each of the listed features?

3 votes

When diamonds "migrate" from deep underground to the surface, do they maintain pressure inside when there is no more pressure outside? If so, how?

2 votes

What is the right term to describe the observation that your true bearing changes if you move in a non-cardinal direction on a globe?

2 votes

How plausible is it that "a portion of the ocean's floor" could suddenly be "thrown up to the surface" as described in this Lovecraft story?

2 votes

What is the elevation angle of sun at lunar poles?

2 votes

Ways of detecting underground bodies of water

2 votes

Where is basalt in the Goldich dissolution series?

2 votes

Is there superionic ice in the earth? and how did it get there?

2 votes

Why is there gold in the earth's crust?

2 votes

Why isn't Panama considered an intercontinental country?

2 votes

Why do clouds have ceilings and bases?

2 votes

Is there really precipitation on Mars? Does frost count?

2 votes

Why is calcium so much more abundant in/on Earth's crust (and oceans) than it is elsewhere? (relatively speaking...)

2 votes

Feldspar content of coarse-grained igneous rocks

2 votes

Where does molecular hydrogen in the atmosphere come from?

2 votes

Last ice age: did glaciers move South or move downhill?

2 votes

What is a good definition for "lattice bound" and is iron within octahedral sites of illite considered lattice bound or interstitial?

2 votes

If there was less carbon dioxide, would rain be basic?