Backpacks are an essential part of our daily lives, from school to work to outdoor adventures. However, when it comes time to retire your trusty bag, finding an responsible way to recycle it can be challenging. Backpacks are typically made from materials like polyester and rayon, which are recyclable, but they aren’t always accepted by local recycling programs. We’ve compiled some of the best options to help you recycle your old backpack sustainably.

The North Face’s Recycling Program

One of the best places to start is The North Face’s recycling program. They have a long-standing commitment to sustainability and offer a recycling program that accepts clothing and gear. By bringing your old backpack to a North Face retail store or by mailing it in, you can ensure it gets a new life instead of ending up in a landfill. The North Face Recycling Program rewards you with a $10 credit when you send in old gear..

REI, Patagonia, TimBuk2, and Cotopaxi Trade-In Programs

Many outdoor gear brands also offer trade-in programs for their products. For instance, REI accepts trade-ins of many items, although your backpack may need to be in good condition. Patagonia, TimBuk2, and Cotopaxi are other great options, especially if your backpack was made by these brands. They often have take-back programs where you can return your old gear, ensuring it is recycled responsibly.

TerraCycle’s Backpack Recycling Box

If you have several backpacks or other hard-to-recycle items, TerraCycle offers a convenient, albeit more expensive, solution. Their Backpack Zero Waste Box is a pre-paid mail-in program that starts at $112 for the smallest size. This can be a great option if you can team up with friends or a community group to share the cost. TerraCycle’s program guarantees that your old backpack will be recycled properly, contributing to a more sustainable world. Learn more about this program here: TerraCycle Backpack Zero Waste Box.

Recycling your old backpack is a great way to contribute to environmental sustainability. Whether you choose to use The North Face’s program, trade-in with REI or other brands, or opt for TerraCycle’s comprehensive recycling box, there are several eco-responsible options available. By making the effort to recycle, you help reduce waste and promote a more sustainable future.

By Earth911

We’re serious about helping our readers, consumers and businesses alike, reduce their waste footprint every day, providing quality information and discovering new ways of being even more sustainable.